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ArticleName Geomechanical provision of protection of potassium mines from flooding
ArticleAuthor Baryakh A. A., Asanov V. A., Samodelkina N. A., Pankov I. L., Telegina E. A.

Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia

Baryakh A. A., Director, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:

Samodelkina N. A., Leading Scientific Fellow, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:

Pankov I. L., Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Phone.: +7 (342) 219-80-19

Telegina E. A., Senior Scientific Fellow, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:


Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia:

Asanov V. A., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:


The main feature of underground mining method at potassium and salt deposits is protection of mining operations from penetration of fresh waters. It can be achieved via usage of chamber working system that should provide solidity of above-laying waterproof rock pack, named also in mining practice as waterproof stratum (WPS). The main components of geomechanical provision of protection of potassium mines from flooding, including presenting definitions of mechanical parameters of salt rocks for different loading conditions, natural tool measurements, mine-surveying observations on land surface deformation, results of geophysical investigations are observed. This information makes parametric base of theoretical analysis of the processes of WPS deformation and destruction. It is shown that quality of geomechanical provision of safety of mining operations at potassium mines and of their protection from flooding is directly connected with usage of up-to-date methods of mathematical simulation of stress-strain state of mining technical objects and with completeness of usage during realization of total complex of experimental data - laboratorial, nature instrumental and geophisical ones.

Work is carried out with support of integration project 12-I-5-2050, project 12-P-5-1007 “Problems of stability of the structure-heterogeneous elements of the mining-technical systems”, grant RFFI 11-05-96020 р_урал_а.

keywords Underground mining of potassium salts, salt rocks, waterproof stratum, stresses, cracks, deformations, shrinkage of land surface, mathematical simulation, criteria of crack propagation, measurements, geophysics

1. Baryakh A. A., Asanov V. A., Toksarov V. N., Pankov I. L., Kirisyuk M. A. Izuchenie masshtabnogo effekta v solyanykh porodakh (Research of scale effect in saliferous rocks). Gornyy Informatsionno-analiticheskiy Byulleten – Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin, 2010, No. 10.
2. Baryakh A. A., Samodelkina N. A., Telegina E. A., Devyatkov S. Yu. Prognoz narastaniya osedaniy zemnoy poverkhnosti pri otrabotke svity kaliynykh plastov (Forecast of growth of surface sediments during the development of potassium series). Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemy razrabotki poleznykh iskopaemykh – Journal of Mining Science, 2005, No. 4.
3. Baryakh A. A., Samodelkina N. A. Ob odnom podkhode k reologicheskomu analizu geomekhanicheskikh protsessov (About an approach to rheological analysis of geomechanical processes). Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemy razrabotki poleznykh iskopaemykh – Journal of Mining Science, 2005, No. 6.
4. Baryakh A. A., Sanfirov I. A. Sistema kompleksirovaniya geomekhanicheskogo i geofizicheskogo obespecheniya bezopasnosti podzemnykh gornykh rabot (System of complexing of geomechanical and geophysical guaranteeing of safety of underground mining operations). Gornyi Zhurnal – Mining Journal, 2005, No. 12.
5. Baryakh A. A., Samodelkina N. A., Telegina E. A., Shumikhina A. Yu. Parametricheskoe obespechenie zadach matematicheskogo modelirovaniya geomekhanicheskikh protsessov po dannym marksheyderskikh i seysmorazvedochnykh nablyudeniy (Parametric guaranteeing of tasks of mathematical modeling of geomechanical processes, according to the data of mine-surveying and seismic exploration control). Gornyy Informatsionno-analiticheskiy Byulleten – Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin, 2009, No. 5.
6. Baryakh A. A., Samodelkina N. A., Pankov I. L. Razrushenie vodoupornykh tolshch pri vedenii krupnomasshtabnykh gornykh rabot. Chast 1 (Destruction of waterproof layers during the large-scale mining operations. Part 1). Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemy razrabotki poleznykh iskopaemykh – Journal of Mining Science, 2012, No. 5.
7. Baryakh A. A., Samodelkina N. A. Razrushenie vodoupornykh tolshch pri vedenii krupnomasshtabnykh gornykh rabot. Chast 2 (Destruction of waterproof layers during the large-scale mining operations. Part 2). Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemy razrabotki poleznykh iskopaemykh – Journal of Mining Science, 2012, No. 6

Full content Geomechanical provision of protection of potassium mines from flooding