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ArticleName Usage of the system for automatic optimal control of ventilation at Berezovskiy mine of “Belaruskali” ojsc
ArticleAuthor Kruglov Yu. V., Levin L. Yu., Kiryakov A. S., Butakov S. V., Shagbutdinov R. I.

Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia:

Kruglov Yu. V., Head of Sector, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:

Levin L. Yu., Deputy Director on Science, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:

Kiryakov A. S., Junior Scientific Fellow, e-mail:


Scientific-Production Corporation "AeroSfera" LLC, Perm, Russia:

Butakov S. V., Director, e-mail:


“Belaruskaliy” OJSC, Soligorsk, Belarus:

Shagbutdinov R. I., Deputy Head of Underground Section of Mine Ventilation, e-mail:


The article describes the structure of the ventilation auto-control system (VACS) as a part of the main mine fan installation in the mine workings of Berezovsky Mine, Mine Group-4, Belaruskali.

Work is performed with financial support of the Russian fund of basic researches, the project №13-05-96013 “Development of complex technology of increase of energy efficiency, ensuring resource-saving and industrial safety in the mining industry”.

keywords Ventilation auto-control system, air flow reduction, air flow augmentation, automated vent door, district fan, recirculation ventilation

1. Levin L. Yu., Kruglov Yu. V., Isaevich A. G. Sravnitelnyi analiz sovremennykh algoritmov rascheta ventilyatsionnykh setei (Comparative analysis of present ventilation network algorithms), Izvestiya vuzov. Gornyi zhurnal — Higher Education Institutions Bulletin, Mining Journal, 2006, No. 2.
2. Kruglov Yu. V. Modelirovanie sistem optimalnogo upravleniya vozdukhoraspredeleniem v ventilyatsionnykh setyakh podzemnykh rudnikov: diss. kand. tekh. nauk (Modeling optimized air distribution control systems for ventilation networks in mines: PhD Eng Dissertation), Perm, 2006.
3. Kazakov B. P., Kruglov Yu. V., Isaevich A. G., Levin L. Yu. Razrabotka programmno-vychislitelnogo kompleksa “AeroSet” dlya rascheta ventilyatsionnykh setei shakht i rudnikov (Development of AeroSet software for modeling and calculation of underground mine ventilation networks), GIAB — Mining Information and Analysis Bulletin, 2006,
No. 53.

Full content Usage of the system for automatic optimal control of ventilation at Berezovskiy mine of “Belaruskali” ojsc