Journals →  Eurasian mining →  2014 →  #1 →  Back

ArticleName Problems and prospects of modern development of diamond mining industry
ArticleAuthor Nikolaev M. V., Danilov Yu. G., Kurneva M. V.

North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov:

Nikolaev M. V., Director, Professor, Doctor of Economics, phone: +7 (914)-298-94-99

Danilov Yu. G., Director of the Information-Analytical Centre «Exspert, e-mail:

Kurneva M. V., Senior Research, phone: +7 (914)-249-49-97


In the given article cardinal variations occurring in the third millennium in the structure of the world diamond-mining industry are considered. In addition to that the analysis of parameters of extraction of diamonds by the world’s largest diamondmining companies in recent years also shows a drastic change of proportions between them. Owing to the state support during the crisis period, the ALROSA company became the world leader in the physical volume of extraction of diamonds. The largest diamondmining countries of the world, extraction of diamonds in which exceeds 1 billion dollars, are incorporated by authors in the BRAKS countries: Botswana, Russia, Angola, Canada and the Republic of South Africa. The forecast of volumes of extraction of diamonds and variations of structure of diamond pipeline up to 2030 is made using the triangular diagram. The creation of a diamond exchange in Yakutia is suggested that will allow to receive a significant profit from diamonds in the future.

keywords Diamond, diamond exchange, diamond pipeline, diagram, mining industry, diamond cutting industry, jewelry manufacture

1. Annual and quarterly reports of OJSC SC “ALROSA” for 2010–2012. Available at:
2. Annual and quarterly reports of the De Beers group for 2010–2012. Available at:
3. Annual and quarterly reports of BHP Billiton company for 2010–2012. Available at:
4. Annual and quarterly reports of Rio Tinto for 2010–2012. Available at:
5. Annual and quarterly reports of Harry Winston company for 2010–2012. Available at:
6. Annual and quarterly reports of mining company Catoca for 2010–2012. Available at:
7. Annual Global Summary: 2010 Production, Imports, Exports and KPC Counts.
8. Annual Global Summary: 2011 Production, Imports, Exports and KPC Counts.
9. Annual Global Summary: 2012 Production, Imports, Exports and KPC Counts.

Language of full-text english
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