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ArticleName Technological complex of purification of return mining waters
ArticleAuthor Zaostrovtsev V. N., Minyaeva I. A., Sukhanevich M. M., Gorev A. V.


Zaostrovtsev V. N., Deputy general director — Chief Engineer (since 15 December 2008 till 30 June 2014), e-mail:

Minyaeva I. A., Senior Engineer, e-mail:

Sukhanevich M. M., Head of Ecology Department, e-mail:



Gorev A. V., Deputy Director, e-mail:


Under description is the large-scale technology-and-equipment system for two-stage treatment of open pit mine process and surface water before its discharge in a natural fishery water body. The wastewater purification standard is reached owing to combination of mechanical and chemical treatment. The mine wastewater treatment system capacity is over 3.2 thsd m3/h.

keywords open pit mine, drainage, water discharge, wastewater treatment facilities, water treatment stages, coagulants, flocculants, settling ponds, filters

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