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ArticleName Problems of Russia's Arctic development in the context of optimization of the mineral raw materials complex use
DOI 10.17580/em.2015.02.05
ArticleAuthor Skufina T. P., Samarina V. P., Krachunov H., Savon D. Yu.

Institute of Economic Problems, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Science:

T. P. Skufina, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Principal Researcher,


National University of Science and Technology — MISiS:

V. P. Samarina, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Economy and Management Department, Stary Oskol Technological Institute,

D. Yu. Savon, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Mining Economy Department,


Technical University of Varna:

H. Krachunov, Associate Professor, PhD, Head of Ecology and Environmental Protection Department,


This article is devoted to the fundamental issue associated with contradiction between the growing geopolitical and economic importance and simultaneous rise in socio-economic loss in the Arctic zone of Russian Federation (AZRF), alongside with aggravation of structural disproportions of the economy and depletion of mineral reserves that had been prospected during the Soviet period, etc. The challenge ensues from the inconsistency of the declaratory orientation towards an innovation-driven economy to the extent of its domination in the government budget. However, actually, the mineral raw materials complex will in the foreseeable future define competitive advantage of Russia in the global economy, will be a donor for the national budget, the basis for modernization and the user of high technologies. At present the importance of the exploration of the Arctic is determined by the following governing factors. The first factor is the increased global fight for natural resources in the context of two diverse processes. The first process is strengthening of international cooperation for the efficient development in the severe environment and extreme territory of the Arctic. The second process is associated with the pursuit of state interests protected by each of the Arctic countries and by other countries laying their claims to areas of the Arctic. The second factor is the desirable compromise to be sought and achieved between missions of AZRF as the natural resource management zone, zone of scientific advance and technological modernization, zone of ecological cleanness as well as the territory inhabited by indigenous people, immigrants and adaptants. This article is an attempt to examine these most important issues towards the successful social, economic and ecological development of Russia.

The research has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Grant No. 13-06-00030, and by the Russian Scientific Humanitarian Foundation, Grant No. 14-02-00128.

keywords Arctic, Arctic zone of Russian Federation, reproduction, mineral and raw materials recourses, prospected natural resources, nature management, socio-economic development

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