Журналы →  Eurasian mining →  2015 →  №2 →  Назад

Название State-of-the-art and prospect forecast of geological conditions in underground coal mining for the period up to 2030
DOI 10.17580/em.2015.02.12
Автор Linnik Yu. N., Afanasiev V. Ya., Linnik V. Yu.
Информация об авторе

State University of Managment:

Yu.N. Linnik, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, ylinnik@rambler.ru

V.Ya. Afanasiev, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

V.Yu. Linnik, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor


The article gives outcome of the analysis of geological conditions in coal mining. The study includes such characteristics of coal seams as thickness, dip, depth of occurrence and coal and gas outburst hazard. A special emphasis is placed on characteristics that affect safety of development drivage and coal-face operation. In this context, it has been found that 87.5 % of coal seams in Russia are combustion-hazardous or prone and very prone to spontaneous combustion. Furthermore, enclosing rocks are characterized based on roof controllability, roof stability and floor strength.  The analysis has covered all coal seams under mining with underground method in Russia. Besides, aimed to forecast geological conditions for coal mining up to 2030, the data on promising unalloted workable coal seams are analyzed. Considering closure of operating mines and commissioning of new mines, geological conditions are forecasted for coal mining over the period up to 2030. 

Ключевые слова Coal seam, thickness, dip, occurrence depth, gas content, rock bursts, outbursts, spontaneous combustion, rocks
Библиографический список

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2. Afanasev V. Ya., Linnik V. Yu. Metodologicheskie osnovy prognozirovaniya razrabotki podzemnykh ugolnykh mestorozhdeniy s uchetom pokazateley syrevoy bazy. Monografiya (Methodological background for underground coal mining forecast, considering raw material resources base. Monograph). Moscow : State University of Management, 2012. 307 p.

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