Журналы →  CIS Iron and Steel Review →  2016 →  №1 →  Назад

Название Extreme low-grade coal treatment coupled with X-ray testing
DOI 10.17580/cisisr.2016.01.01
Автор V. Yu. Bazhin, R. Yu. Feshchenko, G. V. Ramana, M. Yu. Shabalov
Информация об авторе

St. Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

V. Yu. Bazhin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of Automation of Technological Processes and Productions, e-mail: bazhin-foil@mail.ru
R. Yu. Feshchenko, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Assistant at the Chair of Automation of Technological Processes and Productions
M. Yu. Shabalov, Assistant at the Chair of Economics, Finances and Account


Ardee Hi-Tech Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India:

G. V. Ramana, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Managing Director


Coal conversion for welding electrode industry and metallurgy is one of the most promising trends as it allows manufacturing products being in higher demand, with the price considerably exceeding the cost of original raw material. Low-grade Kuzbass coal and some kinds of Indian coal, thanks to the structural features, adsorption and ion exchange properties, are of appreciated value as potential raw material for conversion and production for technological, technical and environmental purposes, which calls for the integrated approach to designing dry beneficiation circuits. The authors handle the problem of efficient separation of coal components after cryogenic treatment and further heating in fluid-bed furnaces using classification of solid particles by means of X-ray testing. The resultant coal products can be used in manufacturing welding electrodes and in metallurgical engineering.

The study has been carried out under agreement with the Russian Science Foundation “Fundamental and Exploratory Research by International Scientific Teams” (jointly with the Department of Science and Technology within the Ministry of Science and Technology in India).

Ключевые слова Low-grade coal, dry beneficiation, X-ray testing, destruction, cryogenic treatment, fluid-bed furnace, low-temperature coking
Библиографический список

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Полный текст статьи Extreme low-grade coal treatment coupled with X-ray testing