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ArticleName The relationship between the life of hydraulic legs of powered roof support and the accuracy of joints, and the accuracy assurance
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2018.06.17
ArticleAuthor Nabatnikov Yu. F.

College of mining, NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia:

Yu. F. Nabatnikov, Head of Chair, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,


Powered roof supports employed in coal cutting contain several hundreds of the same-type hydraulic legs. The functional faces that govern the life of each leg are the internal surface of hydraulic cylinders and external surface of pistons. It is of critical importance to manufacture hydraulic legs so that to ensure sustainability of their preset life. The quantitative relationship is revealed between the preset life of hydraulic legs and the quality and accuracy of assembly of their functional joints, which allows determining the joint assembly accuracy capable to provide its preset life. The accuracy of joints can be ensured using different methods. The choice of a method governs the manufacturing procedure of parts of joints and, thus, the manufacture cost. It is important the selection of a method to ensure accuracy of joints is substantiated by the evaluation of the joint quality–life relation. The scope of the article encompasses also the aspect of manufacture of highly accurate joints in hydraulic legs by selective assembly in small-scale production without extra equipment and technology investment. For small-scale production in mining machine building, it is typical that sizes of shafts and holes disagree. Manufacturers lean towards larger sizes when making shafts and towards smaller sizes when making holes. Therefore, for the selective assembly in small-scale production, it is required to reduce or eliminate the influence of the statistical law of size on fabrication of mismatched parts. This problem is solved at the Moscow Mining University by development of the method of inter-group compatibility. The feature of such method of assembly is that each size group of cylinders (holes) is collated with a number of size groups. In this case, the probability of mismatch of parts is minimized, and the assemblage is independent on the size distribution law, i.e. on random components of part manufacturing process. The developed assembly technique essentially contributes to pursuing the goal of import substitution in the area of expensive high-precision equipment and technologies for manufacture of joints.

keywords Machine parts, joints, accuracy, wear of joints, joint quality, small-scale production, selective assembly, intergroup compatibility

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Language of full-text russian
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