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ArticleName Development of patenting in coal industry
DOI 10.17580/em.2018.01.02
ArticleAuthor Savon D. Yu., Zhaglovskaya A. V., Safronov A. E., Sala D.

Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Moscow, Russia:

Savon D. Yu., Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, e-mail:


NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia:
Zhaglovskaya A. V., Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences


Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia:
Safronov A. E., Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences


AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland:
Sala D., Candidate of Economic Sciences


This article discusses priority ways to meet innovation challenges of the coal industry in Russia. Given the common objectives, Russian and foreign inventors often follow different routes in the field of creative efforts. Majority of patents abroad belong to engineering of mining equipment and methods of its application. In Russia, patents mostly protect methods of mining meant, as a rule, for specific conditions of certain deposits, or methods of using certain equipment in different conditions. The analysis of innovation activities of companies in Russia and in EU member countries shows that the share of Russian companies implementing technological, marketing or organizational innovations is much less than in the countries of the Western Europe. Most of Russian patents concerned with the coal industry deal with the underground mining methods. Creative efforts of Russian inventors are mainly directed at improvement of the current technique. The authors make proposals on financial backing of innovation projects in the coal industry based on the mutually beneficial public–private partnership. Further development in the coal industry assumes revolutionary re-engineering in the area of coal mining, haulage and use. One of the ways to get out of economic depression is the search and exploration of new technological and marketable niches for creation and manufacture of competitive products under absolute patent protection.

keywords Coal industry, investment, innovation activity, patents

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