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ArticleName Experimental designs of a combined tool using superhard composite materials for effective destruction of mine rocks
DOI 10.17580/em.2018.01.05
ArticleAuthor Dvornikov L. T., Klishin V. I., Nikitenko S. M., Korneyev V. A.

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Siberian State Industrial University», Novokuznetsk, Russia:

Dvornikov L. T., Department Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Korneyev V. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Laboratories’ Head

Institute of Coal of the Federal Research Center for Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kemerovo, Russia:

Klishin V. I., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Principal
Nikitenko S. M., Professor, Doctor of Economics, Leading Researcher,


The paper presents a combined tool using superhard composite materials used for boreholes (small diameter holes) drilling aimed at coal pre-fracturing intensification process studies results obtained in the project framework of the Federal target program on the topic: “Technology development for the effective coal deposit mining with a robotic complex using controlled release of the underroofing layer” (Agreement No. 14.604.21.0173). The superhard composite material properties are considered. New designs of rotary bits are proposed, one of their features is the use of combined cutting plates made of superhard composite materials. The experimental design mining tools bench test results are given, as well as the results of their use for drilling mine rock at Fletcher and Wombat standard drilling rigs. The article gives an estimation of the service life, drilling rate and drilling energy consumption by experimental design rotary bits. Conclusions and recommendations on the experimental design mining tool using possibility at significant temperatures in the cutting zone are formulated.

The article was prepared with participation of P. A. Korneyev, Geotechnology Department Laboratory Head of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Siberian State Industrial University”, Novokuznetsk, Russia.

keywords Mine rock destruction, drilling power consumption, rotary bit, superhard composite materials, tool enforcement, tool service life, drilling rate

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Full content Experimental designs of a combined tool using superhard composite materials for effective destruction of mine rocks