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ArticleName A flotation study for oxidized copper products in electrochemical sulfidation
DOI 10.17580/or.2020.01.06
ArticleAuthor Omarova N. K., Naguman P. N., Sherembaeva R. T.

Karaganda State Technical University (Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan):

Omarova N. K., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor,
Naguman P. N., Associate Professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor
Sherembaeva R. T., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,


The process conditions, the physicochemical properties of the surface of minerals, the ionic composition of the liquid phase, the redox potential of the slurry and its alkalinity govern the qualitative and quantitative indicators of flotation. The electrochemical technology is successfully applied for improving regulation of the surface properties of minerals and the ionic composition of the liquid phase of the slurry, as it allows directionally changing the surface properties of minerals. The article presents the results of a study with open- and closed-cycle flotation of oxidized copper ore taken from the Kristo-12 open pit at the Zhezkazgan deposit. The oxidized minerals of the deposit are malachite, azurite, and chrysocolla. The oxidation rate is 76.47 %. The processing studies were carried out using the electrochemical technology, including preliminary acid treatment. The electrodes used were represented by a titanium cathode and a lead anode. The crushed ore was treated with a 60–70 g/l sulfuric acid solution at the solid/liquid ratio of S : L = 1 : 4, with stirring for 5 to 10 minutes to the final pH of 5.0–6.5. This was followed by flotation of the ore. Dithiophosphate was used as the collector. In the closedcycle experiment with electrochemical treatment of the slurry, the copper content in the concentrate was 15.51 %, with the recovery of 78.20 %. These indicators exceed the processing results obtained for the same ore without electrochemical processing by 4.75 % in terms of recovery and by 4.54 % in terms of copper content in the concentrate. The most acceptable flotation condition is the solid/liquid ratio of S : L = 4, while the required concentration and consumption of sulfuric acid depend on the mineral composition of the ore and the processing duration.

keywords Oxidized copper ore, anode, cathode, solution, electrolyte, flotation, recovery, concentrate, content

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