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Название Scientific and technical fundamentals of changing the properties of hydrocarbons in conditions of optimal subsoil use
DOI 10.17580/em.2023.02.16
Автор Metaksa G. P., Alisheva Zh. N., Metaksa A. S., Fedotenko N. A.
Информация об авторе

D.A. Kunayev Mining Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Metaksa G. P., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, gmetaksa@mail.ru

Metaksa A. S., Senior Researcher


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Alisheva Zh. N., Associate Professor


IPKON RAS, Mosñow, Russia
Fedotenko N. A., Candidate of Engineering Sciences


The article provides a rationale for the development of a new geotechnology of subsoil use. It is shown that in order to change the viscosity of formation waters it is necessary to study the phenomena occurring at the interface between the phases “water-oil-quartz” fluid system in order to solve the problem of managing the properties of hydrocarbons in the conditions of natural occurrence. The results of the experimental work on physical and chemical modeling of the processes of synthesis and decomposition of hydrocarbons (HC) at the interface under conditions as close as possible to the reservoir state are presented. The obtained data indicate that under natural conditions the oil field is in a dynamic state, which responds to any external influence by changing the chemical composition of the components of the system “quartz-oil-water” [1]. The aggregate of the obtained data allows us to make the following predictions:
—the main geological feature in physical modeling of HC synthesis and decomposition processes in the “quartz-oil-water” system is the resonance correspondence of sound velocities of quartz and associated components of the interface. This is evidenced by the fact of the harmonic series of responses to an external pulse action at the frequency of water decomposition;
—the change of chemical composition in the three-component system manifests itself by the appearance of low-amplitude responses located between the frequencies of the harmonic series from the quartz particles of the three-component surface.

The results of the work were obtained during the implementation of the AP05130483 theme “Scientific and technical basis for reducing the viscosity of Kazakhstan oils, providing a significant increase in oil recovery” (2018–2020).

Ключевые слова Subsoil, hydrocarbons, spectrum, response, impact, hydrogenation
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Полный текст статьи Scientific and technical fundamentals of changing the properties of hydrocarbons in conditions of optimal subsoil use