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ArticleName Geoinformation expert-modeling complex to prepare operative decisions while effluent the radioactive substances into the atmosphere
ArticleAuthor Zhiganov A. N., Istomina N. Yu., Noskov M. D., Istomin A. D.

Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”

A. N. Zhiganov, Head of the Institute, Professor, ph.: +7 (3823)780-201
N. Yu. Istomina, Assistant Professor, Physics Department
M. D. Noskov, Deputy Head of the Institute for the Research
A. D. Istomin, Assistant Professor, Physics Department


There have been considered the problems of the complex estimation of the nuclear branch enterprises influence on the environment. There has been shown the necessity of using geoinformation and intellectual information systems to evaluate anthropogenic influence of industrial objects on the environment. There has been given the description of the conception, structure and functions of the geoinformation expertmodeling complex “ARIA”. The complex is made to evaluate radioactive risk of the territories under ordinary and accident effluents into the atmosphere; examination of the designed production; forecasting of consequences of possible accident effluents of radioactive substances into the atmosphere; development of practical recommendations to minimize effluents consequences. There has been described the complex use to evaluate consequences of accident effluent of radioactive substances into the surface atmosphere layer. The complex “ARIA” can be used by specialists of accident-technical centers, departments of the environment protection.

keywords Objects of nuclear-fuel cycle, anthropogenic influence, environment, radiation situation, effluents into the atmosphere, mathematical modeling, support of the decision making, geoinformation system, expert system

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