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ArticleName The methods of forming the fleet of open pit dump trucks
ArticleAuthor Glebov А. V.

IM UB RAS, Yekaterinburg, Russia:

А. V. Glebov, Deputy Director on Scientific Questions, C. Eng., e-mail:


Principle theses of the methods on forming the technological automobile fleet of a mining plant are cited. The latter is grounded on the methods having been worked out earlier, that is definition dump-trucks load-carrying capacity and their amount; selection the best model among the trucks of one load-carrying capacity class, produced by different firms-producers. The new methods consider the amount of age groups in each truck model in the fleet as well as the basic technical-and-economic indexes of dump trucks exploitation from their age.
The structure of automobile fleet should be selected in accordance with two principle criterion: performing the given volume of rock mass haulage or transport work that must provide profitableness of an auto-transport plant. The formation and organization of the open pit dump trucks structure are to be conducted step-by-step. The first step is designing and the initial stage of an open pit operation when load-carrying capacity (standard size) is chosen and the necessary number (the fleet) of dump trucks is determined according to the given rock mass haulage volume. It is recommended that the optimal model among dump trucks of one load-carrying capacity class produced by different firms-producers for specific open pit conditions is to be selected in terms of estimation consumer merits, price and competitiveness.
The second step is the selection of a number of age groups in each dump trucks model in the automobile fleet. The number of groups is restricted by dump trucks service life, recommended by a plant-producer and defined by the ratio of 90% of the whole dump truck specific resource to average-annual operating time. This ratio is not constant, it depends, to a definite degree, from a dump truck model, operating conditions and can be changed owing to improvement vehicle construction and increasing their operation reliability.
The third step is collecting information and determining empiric dependences.
The fourth step: In the process of statistic information processing the plots of changing annual specific manufacturing cost of 1 ton of rock mass transport (1 t·km of transporting work cost) as well as the output for a definite period of time are constructed. In terms of these plots the empiric dependence between these indices and the years of dump truck exploitation is determined.
The fifth step is the formation of a dump trucks fleet.
The method of approach proposed in the given article can be employed for fleet formation of mining extraction-loading equipment and other mining technique.

The article is made ready on the results of investigations on the UB RAS and SB RAS integration project No. 12-S-5-1015 “Scientific grounding the reserves of increasing efficiency of development the deposits with complex structures and technogenic formations for the purpose of expansion the Urals, Siberia and Far East solid mineral resources base”.

keywords Open pit automobile transport, transportation, manufacturing cost, Operation conditions, dump truck middle age, optimization the structure of dump truck fleet

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