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ArticleName Methodological principles of mathematical modeling of copper-nickel production pyrometallurgical processes and their implementation as exemplified in Vanyukov smelting process
ArticleAuthor Blinov V. A.

Gipronickel Institute

V. A. Blinov, Senior Researcher, e-mail:, Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy


The target of this study is pyrometallurgical processing of sulphide minerals, that are typically multi-stage and influenced by plenty of factors. Considering the sophisticated hardware used for pyrometallurgical processes, approach based on the mathematical systems theory is the most efficient one from the point of view of development and identification of the said processes’ models. This approach allows not only formalising the objectives of formulation and identification of predictive and control mathematical models for various hydrometallurgical processes, but also investigating such fundamental characteristics as the models’ observability and controllability related to the melt’ physicochemical parameters (temperature, mass, and chemical composition). The proposed methodological principles are exemplified by practical implementation of Vanyukov furnace smelting. The structure of the model’ dependencies between matte components is grounded. It is shown that the proposed mathematical models posess high precision characteristics and such a confidence level that they can be considered as determinate ones. Estimates, produced using proposed computer models, quite nicely correspond to the actual results registered at the existing operations of Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical Company, which makes it possible to use the said models for pyrometallurgical processes control and for predicting the processes parameters.

The author is committed with a pleasant duty to express his sincere gratitude to Dr. of Engineering Science, Prof. L. Sh. Tsemekhman (Gipronickel Institute), Cand. of Engineering Science B. F. Fomichev and V. I. Lazarev (PB OJSC “MMC “Norilsk Nickel”) for the help in preparation of the given paper.

keywords Pyrometallurgical processes, mathematical model, controlling effect, distributed dynamic system, Kalman approach, controllability, observability, software, sulphide minerals, Vanyukov furnace

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