Hard alloys

V. A. Falkovsky, L. I. Klyachko
Extensive data on production technology, control methods and application examples are given. Many year’s experience All-Russian Research-and-Scientific and Design Institute of Refractory Metals and Hard Alloys and materials of lectures and reports of foreign authors were used in preparation of materials/ Intended for specialist working in research organizations and in manufacture of hard alloys and also for tertiary students of corresponden specialities.
ISBN: 5-8216-0067-7
Страницы: 0
Издатель: Ore and Metals PH
Язык: Русский
Год издания: 2006
Информацию о наличии издания и его цену можно узнать по эл. почте books@rudmet.ru.
Chapter 1. Historical development and technical data
Chapter 2. Preparation of source materials for manufacture of hard alloys
Chapter 3. Manufacture of hard alloys
Blending, granulation and direct forming
Indirect forming and special forming operations
Chapter 4. Agglomeration — engineering and base principles
Chapter 5. CVD-cover on hard alloys
Chapter 6. PVD-cover on hard alloys
Chapter 7. Testing of hard alloys
Chemical analysis
Physical and mechanical properties
Metallurgical analysis and procedure of implementation
Chapter 8. Mechanical processing of hard alloys
Chapter 9. Carbide tool for metal forming (nondestructive forming)
Chapter 10. Carbide tool in operations of mechanical processing
Chapter 11. Carbide tool in mining industry
Chapter 12. Hard alloy as constructive detail in chemical industry
Chapter 13. Developments and investigations of last decades
Chapter 14. Modern conceptions of strength and viscosity WC—Со hard alloys