Chernye Metally

The 12th issue of "Chernye Metally" journal (2013) contains 7 sections with 13 articles, and the section "Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS countries" is the first as usual.
M. R. Konevskiy, E. T. Mukhambedyarov and S. V. Ryaboshuk from St. Petersburg State Technical University presented the article "Phosphorous ferroalloys. Production technology, grades and quality". They described the problem of termination of the specialized production of phosphorous ferroalloys (ferro-phosphorus and ferro-manganophosphorus) in blast-furnaces that has led to necessity of their replacement by electrothermic ferro-phosphorus in steelmaking and foundry processes. It is recommended to use FFE25-1 (ФФЭ25-1) grade during alloying of phosphorous steels, to lower the hazard of exceeding the preset phosphorous limits.
Manufacture of large-diameter tubes is observed by V. G. Ilyichev and Ya. E. Valavin from the Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Tube and Pipe Industries in Chelyabinsk.They considered technological features of formation of the cross section geometry of the billet perimeter in manufacture of large diameter tubes for the conditions of forming the marginal areas in a two-roll mill. Taking into account these considerations, the roll pass design for bending operation has been developed; it provides bending with increased shift of the vertical equatorial plane of a roll pass relating to the vertical symmetrical plane of tube billet.
The paper "Features of forming microstructure and mechanical properties of low-alloy steel using different routes of thermomechanical controlled process" by E. A. Goli-Oglu with colleagues from the Central Scientific and Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy (TsNIIchermet) named after I. P. Bardin and Vyksa Steel Works is devoted to influence of conditions of thermomechanical processing and accelerated cooling (TM+AC), low temperature thermomechanical processing and accelerated cooling (LTTM+AC) and low temperature thermomechanical processing (LTTM) on microstructure and morphology of microstructural components in the studied steels. Experiments have been conducted in the conditions of up-to-date heavy plate mill 5000 at Vyksa Steel Works.
Among translated articles, the paper by M. Hiebler, Ch. Bruckner from Siemens VAI Metals Technologies is rather interesting: it analyzed recent developments in optimizing process control in a BOF converter. The models of steel melting technological processes that were the objects of control and management are described. During industrial experiments at least 18 packages with models of technological process and measuring lances have been installed and the typical example of such installation for 160 t converter has been displayed.
Two papers in the section "Coke and By-Product Production" continues thematic publications in this area started if the issue No. 11-2013. They are devoted to state and development of cokemaking in Germany since 1912 and to business and engineering approaches to solving the ecological problems at cokemaking plants.
In the section "Continuous Casting", Ch. Klein, H. Rackel, W. Spies and T. Stark from SMS Siemag AG described the CSP plant of Essar Steel India at the Hazira location in the Indian federal state of Gujarat that started operation with two strands and will be extended to become the world‘s first three-strand CSP plant. It is concluded that combination of proved technological models and adjusting contours adopted to the mechanical equipment, as well as optimal "Plug and Work" testing preparing provided reaching the aimed results in very narrow time: 100 % productivity was achieved after 250 days of operation.
Increasing influence of of human beings on the environment substantiated the new approach to ecological estimation of production and to ecological balance forming. These aspects are examined in the paper by S. Neugebauer, M. Finkbeiner, W. Volkhausen, S. Mecke, G. Endemann in the section "Power Engineering and Ecology". Within the life cycle assessment model, the two main production routes for steel — the blast furnace route and the electric arc furnace route – are covered and equally modelled.
The issue also includes the sections "Metallurgy and Automotive Industry" and "Metallurgical History". The last one contains two memorial publications about foreign (by A. Schwarz) and national (by E. V. Tsirulnikov) metallurgists. As well, A. G. Zhurilo and D. Yu. Zhurilo presented the investigation about Henry Bessemer - if he really was the author of the famous steelmaking technology? There are different opinions among historians.
You can find more details about this issue below or by ordering the printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Steel industry of the world |
Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS | |
Название | Phosphorous ferroalloys. Production technology, grades and quality |
Авторы | M. R. Konevskiy, E. T. Mukhambedyarov, S. V. Ryaboshuk |
Информация об авторах | Saint-Petersburg State PolytechnicaL University, Chair of Metallurgical Technologies (Saint-Petersburg, Russia): Konevskiy M. R., Dr. Eng., Prof.
“Kramds-Kvartsit” company (Almaty, Kazakhstan): E-mail (common): |
Название | Technological possibilities for improvement of geometrical parameters of large diameter tubes after roll forming in the conditions of bending of marginal flanges |
Авторы | V. G. Ilyichev, Ya. E. Zalavin |
Информация об авторах | Laboratory “Large diameter tubes”, JSC “Russian Scientifi c and Research Institute of the Tube and Pipe Industries” (Chelyabinsk, Russia): Ilyichev V. G., Cand. Eng., Sr. Researcher |
Название | Features of forming microstructure and mechanical properties of low-alloy steel using different routes of thermomechanical controlled process |
Авторы | E. A. Goli-Oglu, A. N. Alistaev, V. I. Ilyinskiy, A. V. Muntin, V. V. Naumenko |
Информация об авторах | Central Scientifi c and Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy (TsNIIchermet) named after I. P. Bardin (Moscow, Russia): Goli-Oglu E. A., Cand. Eng., Senior Researcher
Engineering Technological Center, Vyksa Steel Works (Vyksa, Russia): Ilyinskiy V. I., Cand. Eng., Chief Specialist |
Iron and Steel Making | |
Название | Recent developments in optimizing process control in a BOF converter |
Авторы | M. Hiebler, Ch. Bruckner, S. Hofinger, G. Wimmer, F. Hartl |
Информация об авторах | Siemens VAI Metals Technologies GmbH (Linz, Austria): Hiebler M., Product Lifecycle Manager LD Converter, e-mail: |
Coke and By-product Production | |
Название | Development of the German coking coal production related to the development of coking plant Prosper |
Авторы | M. Masuth, D. Riller, G. Ringk |
Информация об авторах | ArcelorMittal Bottrop GmbH (Bottrop, Germany): Masuth M., Mag. Eng., CEO
RAG (Herne, Germany): Ringk G., Head of Quality Management Dept. |
Название | Position of the coke plant engineering and construction business in the market environment |
Авторы | T. Hansmann, M. Kaiser, M. Reinke, R. Worberg |
Информация об авторах | Paul Wurth Italia S.p.A. (Genoa, Italy): Hansmann T., Dr., Managing Director
DMT GmbH & Co. KG (Essen, Germany): Kaiser M., Dr., Head of Division
ThyssenKrupp Uhde GmbH (Dortmund, Germany): Reinke M., Dr., Head of Production |
Continuous Casting | |
Название | High-quality strip production at Essar Steel in India with world’s first three-strand CSP plant |
Авторы | Ch. Klein, H. Rackel, W. Spies, T. Stark |
Информация об авторах | SMS Siemag AG (Düsseldorf, Germany): Klein Ch., Gen. Manager, Techn. Sales, Hot Rolling Mills / Coordination CSP, Hot and Cold Rolling Mills Division |
Power Engineering and Ecology | |
Название | Environmental evaluation of steel — advanced life cycle assessment considers multiple recycling of steel |
Авторы | S. Neugebauer, M. Finkbeiner, W. Volkhausen, S. Mecke, G. Endemann |
Информация об авторах | Technical University of Berlin (Berlin, Germany): Neugebauer S., Mag. Econ.-Eng., Scientifi c Researcher
ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG (Duisburg, Germany): Volkhausen W., Dr. Eng., Sr. Manager Environment Protection, Division of Environment and Climate protection
Salzgitter AG (Salzgitter, Germany): Mecke S., Dr. Eng., Division of Environment Protection and Energy Policy
“Steel” Economical Union (Düsseldorf, Germany): Endemann G., Mag. Eng., Head of Political Dept., e-mail: |
Metallurgy and automotive industry | |
Название | Resistance spot welding of high-manganese TWIP-steels without hot cracking |
Авторы | J. Veit, V. Wesling, A. Schram, W. Flugge, Ch. Fritzsche. |
Информация об авторах | Technical University Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Institute of Welding and Cutting (Clausthal, Germany): Veit J., Mag. Eng., Scientifi c Researcher, e-mail:
Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH (Salzgitter, Germany): Flügge W., Dr. Eng., Head of Assembling Technology Division |
Название | Electrotechnical steel for automobiles with solar module |
Metallurgical history | |
Название | Steel writes the history |
Автор | A. Schwarz |
Название | History of national metallurgy in faces (4th quarter 2013) |
Автор | E. Tsirulnikov |
Название | The history of Bessemer process: Henry Bessemer and William Kelly |
Авторы | A. Zhurilo, D. Zhurilo |