Tsvetnye Metally

The 4-th issue of the journal «Tsvetnye Metally» (Non-ferrous metals) (April 2014) shares the problems of theory, practice, production and processing of non-ferrous metals, complex use of crude ore, economics and management of production.
The section «Economics and management of production» includes the article, devoted to the technical and economic substantiation and definition of marketable cost of Cu/C nanocomposite production technology.
The article by authors from Scientific-Engineering Center “Gidrometallurgiya” tells about the peculiarities of autoclave oxidation of gold-sulfide carbon-containing concentrates in the presence of chlorides. The pilot testings of uninterrupted autoclave oxidation technology, which confirmed the basic laboratory regularities, were carried out together with comparison of obtained experimental data with results of thermodynamic calculations.
This year, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University celebrates its 115-th anniversary. A whole section of this issue shares the metallurgical and metal science activities and developments of this university. This section includes the articles about nanostructured metallic materials, metal treatment and processing of alumosilicate raw materials. Modern intellectual and material-technical potential of Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University allows the technologists and engineers to carry out the high-level fundamental and applied researches by wide spectrum of urgent scientific fields. According to this, there is also possible the opportune solving of problems of Russian high-technological industry and education of young competent specialists for work in various branches of economics.
This issue also tells readers about one of Russian museums. Head of Regional History Department of National Museum of Republic of Bashkortostan V. N. Makarova is the author of the article, which shares the problems of formation of gold mining industry on the territory of Republic of Bashkortostan and formation of cultural-historical phenomena, which supposes the research of mineral resources, their use and creation of economical mechanism. The purpose of this article is to form a review of the history of development of gold mining industry of the region and to pay an attention on cumulated experience of interpretation and exposition of this subject within complex demonstration in the National Museum and its branches.
The section «To the 90-th anniversary of the journal» includes the article, which tells about one of many activities of A. P. Zavenyagin, who understood the great dependence of «nuclear metals» and made a great contribution to transform them from ordinary elements in Periodic Table into the large-capacity industrial products.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | International review of market of non-ferrous metals |
Автор | Korneev S. I. |
Информация об авторе | Korneev S. I., Senior Analyst of "Managing Company "Metalloinvest" LLC, e-mail: nirsks@yandex.ru |
Название | Technology of production of Cu/C nanocomposite: technical and economic assessment and definition of market value |
Авторы | Kiselev B. G., Kozhitov L. V., Kozlov V. V., Muratov D. G., Makhanova O. V. |
Информация об авторах | “SPONK” JSC1, Moscow, Russia; National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”2, Moscow, Russia: Kiselev B. G., Chief Executive Officer1, Assistant Professor of a Chair of Applied Economics2, phone: +7 (495) 950-48-55
Makhanova O. V., Economist, Graduate of a Chair of Applied Economics
A. V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia: |
Название | Peculiarities of pressure oxidation of gold-sulphide and carbon-containing concentrates in the presence of chlorides |
Авторы | Zaytsev P. V., Fomenko I. V., Pleshkov M. A., Chugaev L. V., Shneerson Ya. M. |
Информация об авторах | “Scientific-Engineering Center “Gidrometallurgiya” JSC, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Zaytsev P. V., Researcher |
The 115-th anniversary of Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University | |
Название | Scientific and educational schools of Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University in metal research and metallurgy |
Автор | Rudskoy A. I. |
Информация об авторе | Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Rudskoy A. I., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Correspondent Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of University |
Название | Nanostructured metallic materials |
Автор | Rudskoy A. I. |
Информация об авторе | Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Rudskoy A. I., Head of University, e-mail: rector@spbstu.ru |
Название | Modeling of process of equal channel angular pressing of billets, obtained from aluminum-based powders and rare-earth metals, in capsules |
Авторы | Rudskoy A. I., Zolotov A. M., Ganin S. V. |
Информация об авторах | Chair of Technology and Research of Materials, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Rudskoy A. I., Professor |
Название | Friction stir processing of metals is a new method of intensive plastic deformation |
Авторы | Rudskoy A. I., Naumov A. A., Chernikov E. V. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Rudskoy A. I., Head of University, e-mail: rector@spbstu.ru |
Название | Development of axial rotary forging processes at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University |
Авторы | Aksenov L. B., Kunkin S. N. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Aksenov L. B., Professor, e-mail: l_axenov@mail.spbstu.ru |
Название | Specifics of structure formation of welded joints during laser welding of dissimilar materials of Al – Cu and Al – Ti systems |
Авторы | Turichin G. A., Klimova O. G., Babkin K. D. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Turichin G. A., Professor |
Название | Development of quantitative methods of assessment of structure of hypoeutectic silumins for forecasting of their mechanical properties |
Авторы | Kazakov A. A., Kiselev D. V., Kur A. A., Lazutova E. B. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Kazakov A. A., Professor, Head of a Chair of Metallurgical Technologies
Research Center of “Avtovaz” JSC, Tolyatti, Russia: Lazutova E. B., First Category Research Engineer |
Название | Analysis of principal components for determination of cathode copper quality indices, which make an influence on spiral elongation number |
Авторы | Volkov L. V., Kalashnikova M. I., Solovev E. M. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Volkov L. V., Professor
“Gipronikel Institute” LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia: |
Название | Ways of improvement of technology of processing of alumosilicate raw materials on alumina and by-products |
Авторы | Lipin V. A., Baymakov A. Yu., Kazakov V. G. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Lipin V. A., Professor of a Chair “Physical Chemistry and Technologies of Microsystem Technics”, e-mail: vadim.lipin@km.ru
Saint Petersburg State Technological University of Plant Polymers, Saint Petersburg, Russia: |
Название | Peculiarities of calculation of throttling orifices of cascade of flash tanks of autoclave batteries of high-temperature bauxites’ leaching |
Авторы | Domanskiy I. V., Davydov I. V., Borovinskiy V. P., Malofeev M. N., Morozov A. A. |
Информация об авторах | “RUSAL Engineering and Technical Center” LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia:
Название | Electrophysical properties of Cu-Nb composites. Part 2. Results of analyses of electrophysical properties of composites |
Авторы | Baryshev G. K., Pantsyrnyy V. I., Biryukov A. P., Surin V. I. |
Информация об авторах | Department of Engineering Science and Technology, National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” (Moscow Engineering-Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia: Baryshev G. K., Post-Graduate Student, e-mail: gkbaryshev@mephi.ru Biryukov A. P., Student
“Russian superconductor” JSC, Moscow, Russia: Pantsyrnyy V. I., Business Development Director |
To the 90-th anniversary of the journal | |
Название | Avraami Pavlovich Zavenyagin and «nuclear metals» |
Авторы | Putilov A. V., Vorobev A. G. |
Информация об авторах | “Ore and Metals” Publishing House, Moscow, Russia1; National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”2, Moscow, Russia: A. V. Putilov, Chief Editor of “Tsvetnye Metally” journal1, Dean of a Faculty of Management and Economics of High Technologies2, e-mail: AVPutilov@mephi.ru |
Название | Gold mining industry of Republic of Bashkortostan as a cultural and historical phenomenon |
Автор | Makarova V. N. |
Информация об авторе | National Museum of Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Russia: V. N. Makarova, Head of Department of Regional History, e-mail: vnmac@mail.ru |