Chernye Metally

The 5th issue of "Chernye Metally" journal (2014) is opened by with the conventional section "Iron and steel news of the world" and the new section "News of metallurgical companies".
The section "Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS countries" is presented by three publications. The article "Noise in flame furnaces and ways of its lowering" by M. V. Butorina, I. V. Butorina and Yu. V. Ulamov displays detailed analysis of the impact of various factors on noise emitted by the flame furnace. It is shown that reduction of noise produced by the flame furnaces can be achieved with technological and constructive ways.
Stability evaluation of the yield strength of the tubes using for steam generators of nuclear power plants is observed in the paper by S. I. Parshakov, Al. V. Serebryakov, An. V. Serebryakov, S. B. Prilukov, V. V. Maltsev. The presented statistical data testifies about the distinct tendency of variation of the yield strength values, though amplitude of these values is stable during dual-year period, meaning stability of the technological process on the base of Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant.
The final publication in this section is "Technological audit and consulting as a part of engineering" by V. I. Gorodetskiy, M. D. Zharnitskiy, O. N. Tulupov from Metallurgmash Engineering. The article presents the precondition of technological audit and consulting development for metallurgical and machine-building enterprises as a part of engineering companies activities, aimed at highest possible efficiency of investment and minimizing of risks. The authors describe the basic steps and results of technological audit and consulting, and provide examples of classification of investment projects in metallurgical industry.
Apart from the metallic input materials, energy is the main cost driver in electric steelmaking today. Key elements of energy savings that can be found in the areas of scrap charging, preheating and melting, slag-free tapping as well as continuous power-on operation through all the process steps, are described in the article "A holistic approach for energy-efficient electric steelmaking" by the specialists of Siemens VAI Metals Technologies.
The section "Iron and steelmaking" is continued by the paper "Basic oxygen furnace benchmarking - maintenance and process considerations" by Th. Kollmann and Ch. Jandl from RHI AG. Technological benchmarking to assess different operating philosophies (e. g. with bottom gas purging versus without bottom purging) as well as various maintenance approaches (e. g. slag maintenance and maintenance using unshaped refractory products) and their influences on process stability and achievable metallurgical results are discussed.
The aim of a major research project at Loesche GmbH was and is the modification of LD and electric furnace slags to generate products with high practical value properties. The results of investigations presented in the paper by H. Wulfert, M. Keyβner, H. M. Ludwig, B. Adamczyk, A. Schiffers testify that the process developed by Loesche allows to obtain the material with high alite content (up to 66 %) and high reaction capacity from converter slag, together with extraction of metal component at reduction conditions in the electric arc furnace.
The "Rolling" section is presented by the paper "Modernization of the heavy-plate rolling mill at Dongkuk Steel Mill" by D. Ehlert, F. Mehlich from SMS Siemag AG. The customized modernization concept developed by SMS Siemag comprised the mechanical, electrical and automation systems of the rolling mill. In addition to CVC plus equipment for profile and flatness control, the finishing stand of Dongkuk Steel’s two-stand rolling mill was equipped with a more powerful hydraulic roll-gap adjusting system, and the entire rolling line received a new automation system.
Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) are considered as dominant future lightweighting material option for automobiles to meet the stringent fuel efficiency and carbon emissions targets in the coming years. The paper by R. S. Jamwal, M. Norden, B. Ehrhardt, R. Schönenberg from ThyssenKrupp Steel USA illustrates the dominant role of AHSS in lightweighting of automobiles, the multiphase science behind the current generation of AHSS in production and future development moving into the third generation of high strength steels for the automotive industry.
The issue also includes the sections "Control, organization and management of production", "Economics and finances", "Education and training of specialists", "Steel as material" and "Metallurgical history".
You can find more details about this issue below or by ordering the printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Iron and steel news of the world |
Название | News of metallurgical companies |
Название | 65th anniversary of Valeriy Ivashchenko |
Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS | |
Название | Noise in flame furnaces and ways of its lowering |
Авторы | M. V. Butorina, I. V. Butorina, Yu. V. Ulamov |
Информация об авторах | Baltic State Technical University “Voenmekh” (St. Petersburg, Russia): Butorina M. V., Cand. Eng., Assist. Prof.
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russia): Butorina I. V., Dr. Eng., Prof., e-mail: |
Название | Stability evaluation of the yield strength of the tubes using for steam generators of nuclear power plants |
Авторы | S. I. Parshakov, Al. V. Serebryakov, An. V. Serebryakov, S. B. Prilukov, V. V. Maltsev |
Информация об авторах | Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg, Russia): Parshakov S. I., Cand. Eng., Ass. Prof.
“Novye tekhnologii trub” (“New tube technologies”) LLC (Ekaterinburg, Russia): Serebryakov Al. V., Cand. Eng., Director
Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant (Pervouralsk, Russia): Serebraykov An. V., Cand. Eng., Head of Scientifi c Research Dept., Scientifi c Engineering Center, e-mail: |
Название | Technological audit and consulting as a part of engineering |
Авторы | V. I. Gorodetskiy, M. D. Zharnitskiy, O. N. Tulupov |
Информация об авторах | METALLURGMASH Engineering (Moscow, Russia): Gorodetskiy V. I., Cand. Eng., Chief Technologist, e-mail: |
Название | 75th anniversary of Gennadiy Gun |
Название | 50th anniversary of Konstantin Kosyrev |
Iron and Steel Making | |
Название | A holistic approach for energy-efficient electric steelmaking |
Авторы | M. Fleischer, M. Dorndorf, M. Abel, F. Zauner |
Информация об авторах | Siemens VAI Metals Technologies GmbH (Legelshurst, Germany): Fleischer M., Dr., CEO
Siemens VAI Metals Technologies GmbH (Linz, Austria): Zauner F., Process Engineer Technology Energy Efficiency |
Название | Basic oxygen furnace benchmarking. Maintenance and process considerations |
Авторы | Th. Kollmann, Ch. Jandl |
Информация об авторах | BOF Product Management, RHI AG (Vienna, Austria): Kollmann Th., e-mail: |
Название | Highly reactive cement components from steel slag for optimized ecology and economy |
Авторы | H. Wulfert, M. Keyβner, H. M. Ludwig, B. Adamczyk, A. Schiffers |
Информация об авторах | Loesche GmbH (Düsseldorf, Germany): Wulfert H., Dr. Eng., e-mail: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, F.A. Finger-Institut für Baustoff kunde (Weimar, Germany): Ludwig H. M., Dr. Eng., Prof. Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung unf -prüfung (BAM) (Berlin, Germany): Adamczyk B., Dr. Nat. Sc. Cala Aufbereitungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Aachen, Germany): Schiffers A., Dr. Eng. |
Rolling | |
Название | Modernization of the heavy-plate rolling mill at Dongkuk Steel Mill |
Авторы | D. Ehlert, F. Mehlich |
Информация об авторах | SMS Siemag AG, Electrical and Automation Systems, (Hilchenbach, Germany): Ehlert D., Executive Vice President |
Heat treatment and coating | |
Название | Advanced high-strength steels: development concepts, application and challenges in hot-dip galvanizing |
Авторы | R. S. Jamwal, M. Norden, B. Ehrhardt, R. Schonenberg |
Информация об авторах | ThyssenKrupp Steel USA LLC (Calvert, Alabama, USA): Jamwal R. S., Process Engineer, e-mail: |
Control, organization and management of production | |
Название | With required hardness |
Автор | H. Winter-Ulrich |
Economics and Finances | |
Название | No concept directed on the future industrial policy |
Автор | H. J. Kerkhoff |
Название | Hard times of Brazilian iron and steel industry |
Автор | H. J. Kerkhoff |
Название | Global steel consumption will achieve 1,523 mln t in 2014 |
Название | Steel production worldwide |
Metallurgical history | |
Название | Steel writes history |
Автор | A. Schwarz |
Название | Pictures of “kraken” blast furnaces |
Автор | E. Pasche |