Tsvetnye Metally

The 8-th issue of the journal «Tsvetnye Metally» (Non-ferrous metals) (August, 2014) shares the problems of theory and practice of concentration, production and processing of non-ferrous metals, complex use of crude ore, economics and management of production and metallurgical processes automation.
The article, published in the section «Economics and management of production», describes the research of the problem of competitive lagging of Russian metallurgy from enterprises of South-East Asian countries (especially China). There were made the conclusions, approving the meaning of innovation policy of metallurgical enterprises as the basic condition of overcoming of competitive lagging from the developing countries.
The article «Development of technology of Udokan deposit ores processing», published in the section «Benefication», describes the carried out laboratory researches in the time of development of Udokan deposit ores processing flowsheet. As a result, the main parameters of technological process were defined. Developed technological scheme provides obtaining of qualitative marketable products with high indices of extraction from sulfide, mixed and oxidized Udokan deposit ores, which, in turn, allows to carry out the processing of all technological types of ores by one flowsheet, and refuse the organization of selective extraction, which is too complex on deposit.
The article by N. V. Vorobev-Desyatovskiy and D. V. Ermakov tells about non-oxidation methods of detoxication of cyanide solutions and pulps of gold-mining industry. These methods are based on ion binding in insoluble or relatively low-toxic strength compounds. Method of cyanide solutions detoxication, using ion-exchange resins (anionites), is also considered in this article together with latest achievements in the area of use of cyanide ions oxidation by atmospheric oxygen on activated coals, functioning as catalysts.
Heat-resistant titanium alloys are widely applied as the materials of components of aviation gas-turbine engines compressor rotor. All these components are exposed to the influence of cyclical loads and high temperatures in exploitation process. The article by M. S. Belyaev, M. A. Gorbovets, O. S. Kashapov and I. A. Khodinev (All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials) describes the research of dependence of main strength characteristics, including the fatigue cracks growth ratio with temperatures of 20 and 600 ºC from structural state of heat-resistant titanium alloy VT41 (ВТ41). Research was carried out on forging samples. The forging was manufactured by two different schemes: with final deformation with one-phase area temperatures; and with final deformation with two-phase area temperatures.
The 85-th anniversary of «Giprotsvetmet» institute is in September, 2014. The article, devoted to this event, is included in the section «Chronicle». «Giprotsvetmet» is one of the leading institutes in Russia on designing of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, and main designer in the area of copper and lead-zinc sub-branches of industry in Russia and abroad. Institute made a significant contribution in creation and development of Russian non-ferrous metallurgy both in Russia and CIS countries.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | International review of market of non-ferrous metals |
Автор | Korneev S. I. |
Информация об авторе | Korneev S. I., Senior Analyst of "Managing Company "Metalloinvest" LLC, e-mail: nirsks@yandex.ru |
Название | Innovatization as an instrument of overcoming of competitive lagging ofrussian metallurgy from the developing countries |
Авторы | Vorobev A. G., Timokhin D. V., Ivanova M. S., Popova G. I., Serebryannaya L. S. |
Информация об авторах | 1Chair of Economics, National Research Naucear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russia; 2“Ore and Metals” Publishing House, Moscow, Russia:
“Ore and Metals” Publishing House, Moscow, Russia. D. V. Timokhin, Deputy Head of a Chair, e-mail: dtprepod@yandex.ru |
Название | Development of technology of Udokan deposit ores processing. Part 1. Laboratory researches of definition of basic engineering solutions |
Авторы | Lapshin D. A., Prostakishin M. F., Zolotarev V. N., Khramtsova I. N. |
Информация об авторах | LLC “Baikal Mining Company”, Udokan, Russia: D. A. Lapshin, Head of Department of Designing of Technical Management, e-mail: d.lapshin@metalloinvest.com |
Название | On the issue of research of influence of genetic characteristics of varieties of pyrite and its structural associations on contrast and technological properties |
Авторы | Bocharov V. A., Ignatkina V. A. |
Информация об авторах | Moscow State Mining University (National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”), Moscow, Russia: V. A. Bocharov, Professor (Chair of Ore Concentration)
Название | Thermodynamic basis of oxidized nickel ore sulfatization process |
Автор | Koltsov V. Yu. |
Информация об авторе | All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Chemical Technologies, Moscow, Russia: V. Yu. Koltsov, Head of Department, e-mail: basilik2@yandex.ru |
Название | Reaction behaviour of nickel in sulfuric acid solutions in the time of its constant current polarization |
Авторы | Bryukvin V. A., Dyachenko V. T., Elemesov T. B., Skryleva E. A., Bolshikh A. O. |
Информация об авторах | A. A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Moscow, Russia: V. A. Bryukvin, Head of Laboratory, e-mail: brukvin@imet.ac.ru A. O. Bolshikh, Leading Researcher
JSC “Norilsk Nickel MMC”, Norilsk, Russia.
Chair of Materials Science of Semiconductors and Non-conductors, National University of Science and Technology "MISiS", Moscow, Russia. |
Название | Basic problems of decontamination of cyanide-containing solutions and slurries of russian gold mining industry. Part 3. Nonoxidizing reagent and sorption detoxication methods |
Авторы | Vorobev-Desyatovskiy N. V., Ermakov D. V. |
Информация об авторах | JSC “Polymetal Engineering”, Saint Petersburg, Russia: N. V. Vorobev-Desyatovskiy, Head of Hydrometallurgy Department, e-mail: vdesjatovsky@polymetal.spb.ru
Название | Hydrocarbonyl technology of processing of poor middlings with obtaining of rich selective concentrates of platinum metals |
Авторы | Fedoseev I. V., Barkan M. Sh. |
Информация об авторах | Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga, Russia: I. V. Fedoseev, Professor of a Chair of Chemistry, e-mail: prof.Igor.Fedoseev@gmail.com
National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines), Saint Petersburg, Russia: |
Название | Decreasing of ohmic loss of stress at gas-containing elcectrolyte layer in electrolytic cell with self-baking anode |
Авторы | Shakhray S. G., Belyanin A. V., Kondratev V. V., Lapaev I. I. |
Информация об авторах | Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia: S. G. Shakhray, Assistant Professor, e-mail: shahrai56@mail.ru
A. V. Belyanin, Ecology and Quality Executive Officer
Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia: V. V. Kondratev, Assistant Professor
LLC “RUSAL Engineering-Technical Center”, Krasnoyarsk, Russia: I. I. Lapaev, Manager |
Название | Research of phase equillibriums and modelling of structure of AgBr – TlBr0,46I0,54 system |
Авторы | Korsakov A. S., Zhukova L. V., Korsakov V. S., Vrublevskiy D. S., Salimgareev D. D. |
Информация об авторах | Chair of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russia: A. S. Korsakov, Senior Lecturer |
Название | Anionite, based on epichlorohydrin oligomer and 4-vinylpyridine for extraction of rhenium (VII) ions |
Авторы | Ergozhin E. E., Chalov T. K., Nikitina A. I., Pidakhmet A. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A. B. Berkutov, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan: E. E. Ergozhin, Chief Executive Officer
Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan: |
Название | Structural-phase state of Nb – Si eutectic alloys, doped by yttrium and scandium |
Авторы | Udoeva L. Yu., Chumarev V. M., Leontev L. I., Selmenskikh N. I. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Metallurgy of Ural Department of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia:
Название | Mechanical properties and structure of titanium alloy VT41 (ВТ41) |
Авторы | Belyaev M. S., Gorbovets M. A., Kashapov O. S., Khodinev I. A. |
Информация об авторах | All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials, Moscow, Russia: M. S. Belyaev, Leading Researcher, e-mail: bms-oti@mail.ru |
Название | To the problem of positive sign of thermal E. M. F of metallic systems |
Авторы | Selyanin I. F., Deev V. B., Kutsenko A. I., Prikhodko O. G. |
Информация об авторах | Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Russia: I. F. Selyanin, Professor (Chair of Materials Science, Foundry and Welding Fabrication) V. B. Deev, Chief Researcher of Engineering Center “Foundry Technologies and Materials”, Professor of a Chair of Foundry Processes Technology |
Название | Automation of preparation of uranium solutions |
Авторы | Kladiev S. N., Slobodyan S. M., Pishchulin V. P. |
Информация об авторах | Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia: S. N. Kladiev, Assistant Professor
Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Seversk, Russia: |
Название | Automated definition of rate of initial charge dosing into electrolyser |
Авторы | Matyushkin N. A., Semenovykh E. P., Pushin V. A., Pogudin S. E. |
Информация об авторах | All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, Moscow, Russia: N. A. Matyushkin, Senior Researcher, e-mail: empire@bochvar.ru
LLC “Uralstroymontazh”, Izhevsk, Russia:
JSC “Chepetsky Mechanical Plant”, Glazov, Russia: |
Название | “Giprotsvetmet” Institute — 85 years in development of Russian non-ferrous metallurgy |
Автор | Potylitsyn V. A. |
Информация об авторе | JSC “Giprotsvetmet”, Moscow, Russia: V. A. Potylitsyn, Chief Executive Officer, e-mail: office@giprocm.ru |