Chernye Metally

The 12th issue of "Chernye Metally" journal (2014) is opened by with the actual metallurgical news from different countries and news of metallurgical companies, such as Consol Consulting & Solutions Software GmbH, ThyssenKrupp Rasselstein GmbH and ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions.
Prof. G. N. Elanskiy from the Russian Engineering Academy has presented the review of plenary reports at the XIII International Congress of Steelmakers " Steel: response to the time requirements". A. D. Zhurilo and D. Yu. Zhurilo from Kharkov Polytechnical Institute have examined in their paper variation of sulphur content in cast iron scrap during last 100 years. Different methods are compared for melting and processing of cast iron scrap. The reasons for variation of sulfur content in the cast iron for the case when melting unit with cupola furnace is replaced by electric furnace are explained.
The article "Choice of the technical procedures of the ladle furnace operation using generalized evaluations of quality and process expenditures" by M. Yu. Ryabchikov, E. S. Ryabchikova and B. N. Parsunkin from Magnitogorsk State Technical University proposes generalized evaluation of costs and engineering metallurgical process quality for selection of rational control mode for a ladle furnace unit, taking into account the production quality and acceptability of equipment operating procedure. It is shown that integration of generalized evaluations of quality and expenditures in the process of education of technical personnel at metallurgical works is the special feature of the developed software.
The specialists from the same university M. V. Chukin, M. A. Polyakova, A. E. Gulin and D. G. Emaleeva have displayed necessity for development of continuous methods of severe plastic deformation based on a combination of different schemes of plastic deformation. Based on combination of tensile and compression kinds of deformation (which exist in drawing process) with bending and twisting kinds of deformation, the methods providing ultrafine grain structure in processed wire are developed.
Blast furnace plants are still required to economically reduce their coke consumption and to substitute coke by low-priced fuels. The newly developed in-situ mixing technology has been tested in the framework of large-scale industrial testings and nowadays minimizes the disadvantages of the pulverized lignite injection and can be successfully integrated in the existing units. The results are observed in the article by B. Lychatz, N. Haustein, J. Hunger, V. Pschebezin, W. Kaulbars and J. Lahr.
W. Bleck from Rhein-Westfalia Technical University (RWTH, Aachen) has examined three generations of advanced high strength steels have been developed that provide an extraordinary balance of strength and formability in the paper "Advanced high-strength steels for the automotive industry - from microstructures to nanostructures". Special emphasis is laid on the control of phase transformations, the partitioning of alloying elements during processing, and the segregation effects.
In "Rolling" section, Ch. Overhagen and P. J. Mauk from the University of Duisburg-Essen presented their research of ceramic materials for rolls and rolling tools in hot and cold rolling. The developed integrated model for roll gap and location of work rolls has been presented for the thin strip cold rolling mill and it displays the effect of replacing steel work rolls by ceramic ones.
U. Shamari, freelance journalist from Frankfurt, has prepared the review of the round table “New developments in metal forming”. It was shown that expanding of production facilities and improvement of products quality can be achieved via consequent technical policy, usage of innovative technical solutions, optimization of rolling process and increase of equipment service life. New materials for work rolls and possibilities of usage of innovative Zn-Mg-Al-systems for coating were discussed.
Two papers in the section "Heat treatment and coating" are devoted to oxygen burner optimized via the new measuring technique (O. Seifert from Endress + Hauser Flowtech AG) and the new pilot unit for testing of burners (R. Giese, M. Velten, W. Bender from BFI Institute).
Other publications in this issue are included in the sections "Metallurgy and automotive industry", "Economics and finances" (i.e. the review about ESTAD 2014 conference by G. Krause), "Education and training of specialists" and "Steel as material".
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Iron and steel news of the world |
Название | News of metallurgical companies |
Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS | |
Название | Steel: response to the time requirements. The review of plenary reports at the XIII International Congress of Steelmakers |
Автор | G. N. Elansky |
Информация об авторе | Russian Engineering Academy (Moscow, Russia): Elansky G. N., Dr. Eng., Prof., e-mail: |
Название | Variation of sulphur content in cast iron scrap during last 100 years |
Авторы | A. G. Zhurilo, D. Yu. Zhurilo |
Информация об авторах | Kharkov Polytechnical Institute (Kharkov, Ukraine): Zhurilo A. G., Cand. Eng., Ass. Prof., e-mail: |
Название | Choice of the technical procedures of the ladle furnace operation using generalized evaluations of quality and process expenditures |
Авторы | M. Yu. Ryabchikov, B. N. Parsunkin, E. S. Ryabchikova |
Информация об авторах | Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk, Russia): Ryabchikov M. Yu., Cand. Eng., Ass. Prof. |
Название | Influence of combined methods of deformation processing on mechanical properties of carbon wire |
Авторы | M. V. Chukin, M. A. Polyakova, A. E. Gulin, D. G. Emaleeva. |
Информация об авторах | Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk, Russia): Chukin M. V., Dr. Eng., Prof., 1st Vice Rector, Head of the Chair "Machine-building and Metallurgical Technologies", e-mail: |
Iron and Steelmaking | |
Название | New technology of pulverized coal blending for the economically profitable use of lignites in the blast furnace |
Авторы | B. Lychatz, N. Haustein, J. Hunger, V. Pschebezin, W. Kaulbars, J. Lahr. |
Информация об авторах | Technical University “Bergakademie Freiberg” (Freiberg, Germany): Lychatz B., Dr. Eng., Scientifi c Fellow, Institute of Iron and Steel Technology, e-mail:
ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt GmbH Eisenhüttenstadt, Germany):
E.S.C.H. Engineering Service Center and Handel GmbH (Unterwellenborn, Germany): |
Название | Advanced high strength steels for the automotive industry — from microstructures to nanostructures |
Автор | W. Bleck |
Информация об авторе | Rhein-Westfalia Technical University RWTH (Aachen, Germany): Bleck W., Dr. Eng., Prof., Head of Dept. in the IEHK Steel Institute, e-mail: |
Rolling | |
Название | Ceramic materials for rolls and rolling tools in hot and cold rolling |
Авторы | Ch. Overhagen, P. J. Mauk. |
Информация об авторах | Duisburg-Essen University (Duisburg, Germany): Overhagen Ch., Mag. Sci., Scientifi c Fellow, Institute of Metal Technology, e-mail: |
Название | Modernization of metal forming: the new equipment and materials improve quality of products |
Автор | U. Schamari |
Информация об авторе | U. Schamari, Freelance Technical Journalist, (Frankfurt, Germany), Phone: +49 069 56 14 89 |
Heat treatment and coating | |
Название | Oxygen burner optimized via the new measuring technique |
Автор | O. Seifert |
Информация об авторе | O. Seifert, Endress + Hauser Flowtech AG (Reinach, Switzerland), e-mail: |
Название | BFI Institute: the new pilot unit for testing of burners |
Авторы | R. Giese, M. Velten, W. Bender |
Metallurgy and automotive industry | |
Название | Defect tracking — an innovative solution as supporter of automotive zero defect vision |
Авторы | M. Dunand, U. Heidtmann, M. Wilcke |
Информация об авторах | ArcelorMittal Europe (Montataire, France) Dunand M., CTS Technical Director
ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe (Duisburg, Germany) Heidtmann U., CTS Senior Manager
Wilcke M., CTS Manager |
Название | Diversity of steels |
Автор | N. Fecht |
Информация об авторе | Fecht N., Freelance Technical Journalist (Gelsenkirchen, Germany) |
Economics | |
Название | Manufacturing metallurgical equipment |
Автор | U. Schamari |
Название | Industrial cooperation of Europe is rather actual |
Автор | G. Krause |
Название | Steel production worldwide |
Education and training of specialists | |
Название | With people and for people |
Авторы | H.-G. Randel, N. Kölker, T. Kurz, H. Schliephake, F. Osterheider |
Steel as material | |
Название | Steel provides construction of the largest shipbuilding crane worldwide |