Gornyi Zhurnal

The article, written by the members of the Mining Institute of the National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, tells about the experimental investigations and economic calculations, which prove the increasing of profitability of poor manganese ores mining by their wide application as natural sorbents and catalysts in thermal energy with nanomaterial production.
City planners may be interested in the article about the new freezing column design during the construction of underground facilities in negative hydrogeological conditions. The column sinking into the soil is realized by power screwing into the depth of up to 30 m. Design was tested and shown the high exploitation efficiency.
The company “ALROSA” has to solve the complex technical problem, connected with large-scale transition from open-cast to underground mining. This article also shows the success in creation and industrial introduction of underground mining systems.
The article by S. A. Prokopenko et al shows the original method of transformation of weak rock energy into electric one. This method was patented and constructively introduced in experimental energy support in the composition of mechanized purification complex during the mining of horizontal and flat coal seams.
This issue includes the large review article by the members of Freiberg University of Mining and Technology and Mining Institute of the National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, about the global experience of exploitation of complexes of cyclical-and-continuous method with in-pit conveyor crushing. The same characteristics of applied equipment are given.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Increase in recoverable value of Russian manganese ore by utilization in fuel-and-energy industry and nano industry |
Авторы | Yushina T. I., Krylov I. O., Dunaeva V. N., Didovich L. Ya. |
Информация об авторах | Mining College, MISIS, Moscow, Russia: |
Название | Improving control over development of transboundary mineral deposits |
Авторы | Boyarko G. Yu., Zolotenkov Ya. V. |
Информация об авторах | National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia: |
Название | Geomechanical analysis of influence potash extraction on mining safety |
Авторы | Baryakh A. A., Kotlyar E. K., Samodelkina N. A., Telegina E. A. |
Информация об авторах | Mining Institute, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia:
Uralkali, Bereznyaki, Russia: E. K. Kotlyar, Technical Director |
Название | 3D modeling of pillar parameters in ore mining with room-and-pillar method |
Авторы | Protosenya A. G., Shokov A. N. |
Информация об авторах | National Mineral Resources University—Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: A. G. Protosenya, Head of a Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: kaf-sgp@mail.ru |
Название | Geomechanical and technological aspects of shaft design improvement in salt rocks |
Авторы | Soloviev V. A., Aptukov V. N., Kotlyar E. K. |
Информация об авторах | Galurgia JSC, Perm, Russia:
Uralkali, Bereznyaki, Russia: |
Название | Efficiency validation for new design of freezing pipe for underground construction |
Авторы | Alyushin Yu. A., Korchak A. V., Shuplik M. N. |
Информация об авторах | Mining College, MISIS, Moscow, Russia: |
Название | The principles of sustainable ecologically balanced exploitation of mineral resources based on combined geotechnologies |
Авторы | Kaplunov D. R., Yukov V. A. |
Информация об авторах | IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia: D. R. Kaplunov, Chief Researcher, Correspondent-Member og Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia |
Название | Pre-requisites for ecology-balanced cycle of comprehensive copper-pyrite ore development |
Авторы | Rylnikova M. V., Emelyanenko E. A. |
Информация об авторах | IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia: M. V. Rylnikova, Head of a Department1, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: rylnikova@mail.ru
Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia: |
Название | Substantiation of parameters of geotechnology for mining primary corundum deposits in difficult working conditions in upland areas |
Авторы | Barnov N. G., Eremenko V. A., Kondratenko A. S., Timonin V. V. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements, Moscow, Russia: N. G. Barnov, Researcher, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia: |
Название | Creation and industrial introduction of underground mining systems for diamond deposits of ALROSA |
Авторы | Chaadaev A. S., Zyryanov I. V., Kirillov D. S., Bondarenko I. F. |
Информация об авторах | ALROSA, Yakutsk, Russia: A. S. Chaadaev, Vice-President for Innovations, Candidate of Economical Sciences
Yakutniproalmaz Institute, Yakutsk, Russia: I. V. Zyryanov, Deputy Director for Science, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: ZyryanovIV@alrosa.ru |
Название | Framework of procedure to select technology of ore processing waste storage in undermined open pits and caving zones |
Авторы | Zoteev O. V., Kalmykov V. N., Gogotin A. A., Prodanov A. N. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia: O. V. Zoteev, Principal Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia:
The authors appreciate participation of A. A. Golomolzin and V. N. Polkin (Gaisky MPIW), A. A. Zubkov and I. A. Pytalev (Magnitogorsk State Technical University), and A. P. Tyulkin (UMMC). |
Название | Strategy and parameters of development for open pit coal mines of SUEK company |
Авторы | Sokolovsky A. V., Cherskikh O. I., Kainov A. I. |
Информация об авторах | Geotechnology Science and Technology Center LLC, Chelyabinsk, Russia: A. V. Sokolovsky, General Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: avs@ustup.ru
SUEK-Krasnoyarsk Division, Borodinsky Open Pit Mine after M. I. Shchadov, Krasnoyarsk, Russia:
Tugnuisky Open Pit Mine, Sagan-Nur, Russia: |
Название | Assessment of X-ray radiometric dressability of Kyshtym quartz |
Авторы | Shemyakin V. S., Skopov S. V., Kuzmin V. G., Sokolov I. V. |
Информация об авторах | Tekhnogen Research and Production Company, Ekaterinburg, Russia: V. S. Shemyakin, General Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: shemiyakin@mail.ru
Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia: |
Название | Mineral and valent forms of iron and their effects on coals oxidation and self-ignition |
Авторы | Korovushkin V. V., Epshtein S. A., Durov N. M., Dobryakova N. N. |
Информация об авторах | National University of Science & Technology (MISIS), Moscow: V. V. Korovushkin, Leading Researcher, Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences |
Название | Alternative source of energy in operation of power-driven machines in coal mines |
Авторы | Prokopenko S. A., Ludzish V. S., Kurzina I. A., Sushko A. V. |
Информация об авторах | National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia S. A. Prokopenko, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: sibgp@mail.ru A. V. Sushko, Postgraduate Student
VostNII Scientific Center, Kemerovo, Russia
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia |
Название | Influence of tailings pond on hydrochemical conditions of groundwater at Mikhailovsky Mining and Processing Plant |
Автор | Elantseva L. A. |
Информация об авторе | NOVOTEK Science and Technology Center, Belgorod, Russia: L. A. Elantseva, Head of Research Department, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: LAElanceva@novotek15.ru |
Название | Cyclical-and-continuous method and in-pit crushing operation experience in the world |
Авторы | Drebenstedt C., Ritter R., Suprun V. I., Agafonov Yu. G. |
Информация об авторах | TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany: C. Drebenstedt, Decan, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Mining College, MISIS, Moscow, Russia: |
Название | Mining engineer L. F. Bartsevich — Pioneer oil explorer in Sakhalin |
Автор | Lisitsyna E. N. |
Информация об авторе | Sakhalin State University, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia: E. N. Lisitsyna, Assistant Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences, e-mail: Lisitsina1997@yandex.ru |