Chernye Metally

The main part of the sixth issue of the Chernye Metally journal is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of one of the largest steel mills in Siberia - JSC EVRAZ United West-Siberian Metallurgical Combine (EVRAZ ZSMK).
This number includes a color insert telling about the history, achievements and prospects of the plant’s development, which is among the top five leaders in the metallurgical industry in terms of production. The reader can get acquainted with the main types of products and production volumes of the EVRAZ ZSMK.
The large section contains articles written by authors representing this metallurgical plant and the Siberian State Industrial University (SibGIU), which closely cooperates with it. Placed here materials tell about the latest developments, implemented in various areas of production.
In particular, measures for automation of systems and means to control the blast furnace smelting processes of the enterprise have been presented. The positive effect of the modernization of the blast furnace and the automation of smelting processes on improvement of technical and economic indicators of production and reduction of production costs, as well as on processes of industrial waste utilization and aspiration of casthouse has been shown.
An interesting experience is the use of resonant pulsating refining, aimed at improving the quality of iron and steel products. The effectiveness of the technology corresponds to the level of the best domestic and foreign indicators.
It is shown that the quantitative results of the statistical evaluation of modes of caster operation allow to correctly select the time parameters of maintenance and repair modes of the process equipment, optimize the terms of their fine-tuning to a stably functioning state, and improve the conditions for implementation of all operations related to the planning of their maintenance and repair modes.
The results of experimental studies of the plastic and deformation properties of chromium rail steels in a certain temperature range of hot rolling, on the basis of which a new rail rolling mode has been developed in conditions of the EVRAZ ZSMK rail and structural workshop, have been presented. The introduction of the improved rolling mode has significantly enhanced the quality of rails and the technical and economic performance of their production.
Noteworthy is the method of creating irredundant (rational) mechanisms at the stage of developing a structural scheme. The article proposes an algorithm for eliminating redundant links in the mechanism structure on the example of a hot-stamping press executive mechanism.
Based on the results of control tests conducted in the enterprise central factory laboratory accredited according to foreign standards, and the results of independent tests carried out in the laboratories of certification bodies, a statistical assessment of mechanical properties of В500В, 500В reinforced rolled steel produced according to foreign standards applied at the EVRAZ ZSMK has been presented.
Two articles has been published In the Metallurgy and Metallography section. The first one written by representatives of the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R. A. Alekseev is devoted to the effect of the type and mode of coating on mechanical properties of steel. It is shown that the gas-phase coating on steel products with nickel with a thickness of up to 30 μm can be considered expedient due to the high chemical stability and simplicity of the technological process. The article of foreign authors presents the study of the effect of thermal hardening of bars by the TEMPCORE method on their tensile properties. It is shown that improving the properties of the core reduces the fragility of the rod as a whole, for example, to improve seismic resistance. In practice, this simplifies the quality control of products, since the complex definition of properties in certain zones of the structure is not required.
The issue is completed with the Our Anniversaries section, in which information on the 110th anniversary of Ya.I. Sokol, as well as the 80th anniversary of Yu.S. Karabasov and G. S. Gun has been presented.
Please find more details below, or order your printed or electronic version of the Journal.
55th anniversary of JSC “EVRAZ ZSMK” | |
Название | Development of blast-furnace melting technology at JSC “EVRAZ ZSMK” |
Авторы | A. M. Koverzin, L. D. Nikitin, A. V. Vashchenko, V. G. Shchipitsyn |
Информация об авторах | JSC “EVRAZ ZSMK” (Novokuznetsk, Russia): A. M. Koverzin, Head of Blast furnace Shop |
Название | Influence of calcium carbide as a deoxidizer on the chemical composition and contamination by nonmetallic inclusions |
Авторы | D. A. Lubyanoy, V. G. Perekhodov, D. B. Foigt, D. V. Buimov |
Информация об авторах | Kemerovo State Technical University, Novokuznetsk affiliate (Novokuznetsk, Russia): D. A. Lubyanoy, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., e-mail:
JSC “EVRAZ ZSMK” (Novokuznetsk, Russia): |
Название | Features of operating modes of continuous casting machine’s technological equipment |
Авторы | A. N. Savelyev, S. S. Severyanov, O. D. Prokhorenko |
Информация об авторах | Siberian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk, Russia): A. N. Savelyev, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Chair of Mechanics and Machine-building, e-mail: |
Название | Improvement of steel deoxidation technology for billet continuous casting machine in conditions of JSC “EVRAZ ZSMK” |
Авторы | S. S. Shchipanov, V. V. Musokhranov |
Информация об авторах | JSC “EVRAZ ZSMK” (Novokuznetsk, Russia): S. S. Shchipanov, Director of Steel Making Production, E-mail: |
Название | Experimental studies of plasticity and deformation resistance of chromium rail steels |
Авторы | A. A. Umansky, A. V. Golovatenko, M. V. Temlyantsev, V. V. Dorofeev |
Информация об авторах | Siberian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk, Russia): A. A. Umansky, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Director of the Center of collective usage “Material Science”, E-mail:
JSC “EVRAZ ZSMK” (Novokuznetsk, Russia): A. V. Golovatenko, Cand. Eng., Director of Rail Production, E-mail: |
Название | Development of energy efficient rolling technology for long-length rails at the universal rail and structural mill of JSC “EVRAZ ZSMK” |
Авторы | A. V. Golovatenko, V. V. Dorofeev, A. V. Dobryansky, D. E. Pervushin |
Информация об авторах | JSC “EVRAZ ZSMK” (Novokuznetsk, Russia): A. V. Golovatenko, Cand. Eng., Director of Rail Production |
Название | Features of obtaining long-dimensional screw profiles by twist-free drawing |
Авторы | A. R. Fastykovsky, E. V. Chinokalov |
Информация об авторах | Siberian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk, Russia) A. R. Fastykovsky, Dr. Eng., Associate Prof., E-mail:
JSC “EVRAZ ZSMK” (Novokuznetsk, Russia) E. V. Chinokalov, Chief Specialist, E-mail: |
Название | Improvement of construction of a press actuator |
Автор | L. N. Gudimova |
Информация об авторе | Siberian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk, Russia): L. N. Gudimova, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Chair of Mechanics and Machine-building, e-mail: |
Название | Processing of dust waste and ores on the base of the jet-emulsion reactor |
Авторы | V. P. Tsymbal, A. A. Rybushkin, I. A. Rybenko, V. I. Kozhemyzchenko |
Информация об авторах | Siberian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk, Russia): V. P. Tsymbal, Dr. Eng., Prof., Chair of Applied Information Technologies and Programming, e-mail: |
Название | Certification according to foreign standards of reinforcing bar produced by JSC “EVRAZ ZSMK” |
Авторы | G. V. Obukhov, A. V. Druzhinina |
Информация об авторах | JSC “EVRAZ ZSMK” (Novokuznetsk, Russia): G. V. Obukhov, Head of the Laboratory of Physical and Mechanical Testings Central Plant Laboratory, e-mail: |
Название | The loading model of the cylindrical sample’s end face with a short-term distributed density heat source |
Авторы | V. I. Bazaikin, O. L. Bazaikina, M. V. Temlyantsev, O. S. Babushkina |
Информация об авторах | Siberian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk, Russia): V. I. Bazaikin, Dr. Eng., Prof., Chair of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, e-mail: |
Metal Science and Metallography | |
Название | Influence of the type and mode of coating on the mechanical properties of steel |
Авторы | G. V. Pachurin, D. A. Goncharova, A. A. Filippov, T. V. Nuzhdina |
Информация об авторах | Nizhniy Novgorod State Technical University named after R. E. Alekseev (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia): G. V. Pachurin, Dr. Eng., Prof., the Chair “Industrial safety, ecology and chemistry”, e-mail: |
Название | Influence of bar thermal hardening via Tempcore method on their properties after stretching |
Авторы | B. Hortigon Fuentes, J. M. Gallardo Fuentes, S. Muňoz Moreno, P. Gumpel, J. Strittmatter |
Информация об авторах | High Polytechnical School at Sevilla University (Sevilla, Spain): B. Hortigón Fuentes, Dr. J. M. Gallardo Fuentes, Dr. S. Muňoz Moreno, Dr.
Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (Konstanz, Germany) and Thurgau Material Sciences WITg Institute (Tägerwilen, J. Strittmatter, Dr. Eng. |