Chernye Metally

A special place in the issue is occupied by the section dedicated to the 60th anniversary of OJSC RosNITI. The material that briefly tells about the history of the formation and development of this organization, achievements and prospects is the first in the section. The lines of activity of the department for development of new products, accompanying technologies and materials are considered in detail: creation of anticorrosive and conservation coverings; development of cylinders; development and testing of rolling tools, process lubricants and coatings. The lines of increase of qualitative indicators of electrowelded pipes from steel of K55 strength group are considered.
Three articles have been published in the Production of cast iron and steel section, all of them have a pronounced practical orientation, in particular, this material on influence of configuration of the submerged entry nozzle inner channel and electromagnetic effects on qualitative distribution of metal flows.
Also in this issue the main headings of the journals are presented: "Foundry production", "Heat treatment", "Metallurgy and metallography", "Powder metallurgy".
The issue is closed by reviews of our colleagues about the cooperation with the "Ferrous Metals" journal.
Please find more details below, or order your printed or electronic version of the Journal.
Iron and steelmaking | |
Название | Influence of the consumption of pellets with different basicity on indicators of blast-furnace smelting |
Авторы | R. R. Dema, A. N. Shapovalov, S. N. Baskov |
Информация об авторах | Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk, Russia): R. R. Dema, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Machines and Technologies for Metal Forming and Mechanical Engineering, E-mail:
South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk, Russia): S. N. Baskov, Associate Prof., Dept of Mechatronics and Automation, E-mail: |
Название | Influence of the geometry arc furnace steel taphole on production parameters of the casting and rolling complex of JSC VMZ |
Авторы | V. N. Lavrov, S. A. Botnikov, A. V. Kosonogov, S. A. Somov |
Информация об авторах | Vyksa Steel Works (Vyksa, Russia): V. N. Lavrov, Leading Specialist of the Engineering and Technology Center, E-mail: |
Название | Influence of the configuration of the submerged entry nozzle inner channel and electromagnetic effect within its length on the qualitative distribution of metal flows during continuous casting of steel |
Авторы | A. Yu. Tretyak, Qiang Wang, Chun-Lei Wu, E. I. Shifrin |
Информация об авторах | Northeastern University (Shenyang, China): A. Yu. Tretyak, Post-graduate, Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, School of Intern. Exchange, E-mail:
National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (Dnepr, Ukraine): |
Casting and Foundry Production | |
Название | Investigation of the modification effect on performance properties of cast iron molds |
Авторы | V. A. Gulevskiy, S. N. Tsurikhin, V. V. Gulevskiy, N. Yu. Miroshkin |
Информация об авторах | Volgograd State Technical University (Volgograd, Russia): V. A. Gulevskiy, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Machines and Technology of Foundry Production, E-mail: |
60th anniversary of RosNITI JSC | |
Название | Achievements of the department for development of new products, related technologies and materials of JSC RosNITI |
Автор | V. I. Kuznetsov |
Информация об авторе | Russian Scientific and FResearch Institute of Tube Industry – RusNITI JSC (Chelyabinsk, Russia): V. I. Kuznetsov, Technical director, head of the department, head of the laboratory for development and testing of rolling tools, lubricants and coatings, E-mail: |
Название | Study of the process of formation of tubes end sections during longitudinal rolling in grooves formed by a different number of rolls |
Авторы | D. A. Akhmerov, A. V. Vydrin |
Информация об авторах | Russian Scientific and FResearch Institute of Tube Industry – RusNITI JSC (Chelyabinsk, Russia): D. A. Akhmerov, Engineer, Lab. Of Simulation of Technological Processes, E-mail: |
Название | Quality index improving of the electric-welded K55 pipes |
Авторы | R. V. Sulyagin, M. N. Mozzhegorov, A. O. Struin, A. G. Varnak |
Информация об авторах | RusGazShelf Ltd. (Moscow, Russia): R. V Sulyagin, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Head of the Welding and Materials Department, E-mail:
Russian Scientific and FResearch Institute of Tube Industry – RusNITI JSC (Chelyabinsk, Russia): M. N Mozzhegorov, Researcher, E-mail:
TMK Overseas (Houston, USA): A. O. Struin, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Quality Manager, E-mail:
TMK GIPI LLC (Sohar, Sultanate of Oman): A. G. Varnak, Senior Engineer, E-mail: |
Heat Treatment | |
Название | Features of heat treatment of a new steel for the manufacture of hot deformation dies |
Авторы | S. E. Krylova, E. V. Romashkov |
Информация об авторах | Orenburg State University (Orenburg, Russia): S. E. Krylova, Dr. Eng., Prof., Dept. of Materials Science and Technology of Materials, E-mail: |
Metal Science and Metallograpgy | |
Название | Peritectoid carbide transformation based on ε-carbide Fe2C in Fe-C system alloys. Part 2. Metallographic studies |
Автор | S. V. Davydov |
Информация об авторе | Bryansk State Technical University (Bryansk, Russia): S. V. Davydov, Dr. Eng., Prof., Dept. of Tribotechnical Materials Science and Technology of Materials, e-mail: |
Powder Metallurgy | |
Название | Study of the structure and mechanical properties of samples obtained by the selective laser alloying technology from the Inconel 738 heat-resistant alloy powder |
Авторы | A. V. Agapovichev, V. V. Kokareva, V. P. Alekseev, V. G. Smelov |
Информация об авторах | Samara National Research University (Samara, Russia): A. V. Agapovichev, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Engine Manufacturing Technologies,
Название | Kinetics of synthesizing process for obtaining iron nanopowder by chemical-metallurgical method under isothermal conditions |
Авторы | Tien Hiep Nguyen, Van Minh Nguyen |
Информация об авторах | Le Quy Don Technical University (Hanoi, Vietnam) Tien Hiep Nguyen, Lecturer, E-mail:
Institute of Technology (Hanoi, Vietnam) Van Minh Nguyen, Cand. Eng., E-mail: |