Chernye Metally

The November issue of the journal "Chernye Metally" is headed with an insert dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the start-up of the Ugarov Oskol Electrometallurgical Plant`s pelletizing shop and the beginning of the production of the first industrial product - oxidized pellets. The publications outline the path of formation and development of the plant from start-up to the present, an overview of the main products of the plant of SBQ quality is given.
The article by Nosov MSTU`s authors in the section "Sintering" is devoted to parameters of the charge pelletizing process on the example of the PJSC MMK`s sinter plant.
In the section "Rolling and other Metal Forming Processes", specialists of the Vyksa Metallurgical Plant and Bauman MSTU consider modern methods for modeling the mechanical wear of work rolls of a hot rolling mill in industrial production using machine learning algorithms. Also in the section is an article on experimental testing of the asymmetric rolling process in order to exclude the operation of intermediate annealing in the production of strip from high-carbon steel grades in conditions of a PJSC MMK`s continuous five-stand mill 630.
The section “Production of Pipes” is noteworthy, in which a work was published on the study of the corrosion resistance of multilayer coatings formed by the cladding method with a flexible tool in order to protect the threaded joints of oil and gas pipes. As part of the joint work, authors from PJSC TMK, JSC VTZ, TMK-INOX Ltd. and JSC RusNITI developed and implemented a new technology for manufacturing special-purpose hexagonal pipes from steel grades EP450-Sh and EP823-Sh. The section also presents studies of structural features of low-carbon steel plates intended for the production of pipes transporting hydrogen sulfide-containing natural gas.
The reader will also be interested in other publications covering the issues of metallurgy and metallography, ecology, economics, and the history of metallurgy.
Please find more details below, or order your printed or electronic version of the Journal.
Agglomeration | |
Название | Study of the charge pelletizing process at MMK`s sinter plant No. 5 |
Авторы | A. A. Andryushechkin, Yu. A. Frolov, D. M. Chukin, V. E. Kotyshev |
Информация об авторах | RnD MGTU Ltd., Magnitogorsk, Russia: A. A. Andryushechkin, Project Manager, e-mail: Yu. A. Frolov, Dr. Eng., Chief Researcher, e-mail: |
Rolling and Other Metal Forming Processes | |
Название | Simulation of mechanical wear of work rolls of a wide-strip hot rolling mill using machine learning methods |
Авторы | A. E. Sevidov, A. V. Muntin, A. G. Kolesnikov |
Информация об авторах | JSC Vyksa Steel Works, Vyksa, Russia ; Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia: A. E. Sevidov, Leading Software Engineer1, Postgraduate Student2, e-mail:
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia: |
Название | Experimental testing of the technology of asymmetric cold rolling of a strip of high-carbon steel grades to exclude intermediate annealing operations |
Авторы | A. M. Pesin, D. O. Pustovoitov, A. I. Sverchkov, G. P. Kornilov |
Информация об авторах | Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia: A. M. Pesin, Dr. Eng., Prof., Dept. of Materials Processing Technologies, Deputy Head of the Laboratory “Mechanics of Gradient Nanomaterials named after A. P. Zhilyaev”, e-mail: I. A. Pesin (Cand. Eng.), L. V. Nosov (Postgraduate Student), A. A. Bochkarev (Student) participated in this research. |
Pipe Production | |
Название | Improving the corrosion resistance of threaded joints of oil and gas pipes through the use of coatings obtained by friction cladding |
Авторы | R. R. Dema, N. A. Devyaterikova, M. A. Levantsevich, R. N. Amirov |
Информация об авторах | Nosov Magnitogorsk Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia1 ; Novotroitsk branch of NUST MISIS, Novotroitsk, Russia2: R. R. Dema, Dr. Eng., Associate Prof. of the Dept. of Machinery and Technologies for Metal Forming and Mechanical Engineering1, Prof. of the Dept. of Metallurgical Technologies and Equipment2, e-mail: R. N. Amirov, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof. of the Dept. of Machinery and Technologies for Metal Forming and Mechanical Engineering1, Associate Prof. of the Dept. of Metallurgical Technologies and Equipment2
JSC Pervouralsky Novotrubny Plant, Pervouralsk, Russia:
Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the NAS of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus: |
Название | Mastering the production of special types of pipes made of ferritic-martensitic steels, taking into account the peculiarities of the microstructure and properties |
Авторы | D. A. Pumpyansky, M. G. Shtutsa, I. Yu. Pyshmintsev, Ya. I. Kosmatsky, O. V. Varnak, B. V. Barichko |
Информация об авторах | Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russia: D. A. Pumpyansky, Dr. Econ., Chairman of the Supervisory Board
JSC Chepetsky Mechanical Plant, Glazov, Russia:
JSC The Russian Research Institute of the Tube & Pipe Industries, Chelyabinsk, Russia1 ; PJSC Pipe Metallurgical Company, Moscow, Russia2:
JSC The Russian Research Institute of the Tube & Pipe Industries, Chelyabinsk, Russia: |
Название | Features of the structure of steels of various compositions for the manufacture of pipes transporting hydrogen sulfide-containing natural gas |
Авторы | D. V. Kudashov, E. A. Volkova, L. I. Efron, K. S. Smetanin |
Информация об авторах | JSC Vyksa Steel Works, Vyksa, Russia1 ; Vyksa branch of NUST MISIS, Vyksa, Russia2: D. V. Kudashov, Cand. Eng., Chief Innovation Specialist, Engineering and Technology Center (ETC)1, Director2, e-mail:
Vyksa branch of NUST MISIS, Vyksa, Russia: E. A. Volkova, Senior Lecturer, e-mail:
JSC Vyksa Steel Works, Vyksa, Russia: L. I. Efron, Dr. Eng., Scientific Supervisor of ETC, e-mail: |
Metal Science and Metallography | |
Название | Hardening of high speed steel R6M5 |
Авторы | S. I. Bogodukhov, E. S. Kozik, E. V. Svidenko |
Информация об авторах | Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia: S. I. Bogodukhov, Dr. Eng., Prof., Dept. of Materials Science and Technology, e-mail: |
Ecology | |
Название | EU green steel deal: maneuvers on the decarbonization track |
Автор | S. A. Roginko |
Информация об авторе | Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia1 ; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia2: S. A. Roginko, Head of the Center for Ecology and Development1, Professor2, e-mail: |
Economics and Finances | |
Название | Monitoring the development sustainability of metallurgical companies |
Авторы | V. G. Kogdenko, N. A. Kazakova |
Информация об авторах | National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia: V. G. Kogdenko, Dr. Econ., Associate Prof., Head of the Dept. of Financial Management
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia: |
History of Metallurgy | |
Название | Defense production of the mining and metallurgical complex of the late imperial economy of Russia (on the example of the functioning of the Bryansk plant society) |
Автор | V. A. Bobkov |
Информация об авторе | Bryansk Branch of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE), Bryansk, Russia: V. A. Bobkov, Dr. Hist., Associate Prof., Dept. of Theory, History of State and Law and Humanitarian Disciplines, e-mail: |