Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2024 →  №12

Gornyi Zhurnal

Название Application of computer models of rock mass quality and stress–strain behavior for stability assessment of mine openings
Авторы Stepanov G. D., Trofimov A. V., Kolganov A. V.
Информация об авторах

Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company, Monchegorsk, Russia1 ; NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia2

G. D. Stepanov1,2, Chief Geophysicist, StepanovGD@kolagmk.ru


Gipronickel Institute LLC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
A. V. Trofimov, Head of Geotechnique Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
A. V. Kolganov, Researcher

Название Formation of domestic material basis of mineral resources (to the 120th anniversary of All-Russian Scientific- Research Institute of Mineral Resources)
Авторы Pechenkin I. G., Lugovskaya I. G., Yakushina O. I.
Информация об авторах

Fedorovsky Scientific-Research Institute of Mineral Resources — VIMS, Moscow, Russia

I. G. Pechenkin, Advisor to the CEO, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, pechenkin@vims-geo.ru
I. G. Lugovskaya, Academic Secretary, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
O. I. Yakushina, Senior Specialist, Candidate of Sociological Sciences

Название Organometallic features and biotechnology of bituminous dolomites and black (oil) shales in Uzbekistan and in the world
Авторы Munduzova M. A., Ezhkov Yu. B., Khantemiro R. M., Borminskiy S. I.
Информация об авторах

Abdullayev Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

M. A. Munduzova, Head of Geological Department, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, mavlyuda.munduzova1956@gmail.com


Institute of Mineral Resources, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
Yu. B. Ezhkov, Head of Department of Rare Elements and Rare Earths, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
R. M. Khantemirov, Head of Solid Mineral Prediction
S. I. Borminskiy

Название Formation of sedimentation cycles of coal deposits in the Eastern Donbas
Автор Rybin I. V.
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Southern Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

I. V. Rybin, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, iliaribin@mail.ru

Название Application of an integrated methodology for forecasting tectonic disturbances to ensure safe open pit mining of apatite-nepheline ore deposits
Авторы Loktyukova O. Yu., Korchak P. A., Pavlovich A. A., Shabarov A. N.
Информация об авторах

Research Center for Geomechanics and Mining Practice Problems, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

O. Yu. Loktyukova, Leading Engineer, loktyukova_oyu@pers.spmi.ru
A. A. Pavlovich, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
A. N. Shabarov, Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Kirovsk Branch Apatit, Kirovsk, Russia

P. A. Korchak, Head of the Development Department of Mining and Geological Information Systems

Название Monitoring of waterproof pillars at salt deposits
Авторы Prigara A. M., Zhukov A. A., Tsarev R. I., Skopinov M. V.
Информация об авторах

VNII Galurgii JSC, Perm, Russia
A. M. Prigara, Head of Research Field, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, vniig@uralkali.com
A. A. Zhukov, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
R. I. Tsarev, Head of Research Field, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
M. V. Skopinov, Director of Geological Sciences

Название New mass blasting technology for complex orebodies
Авторы Agaronyan G. A., Avanesova I. S.
Информация об авторах

AAB Project LLC, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia

G. A. Agaronyan, Head of Drilling and Blasting, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia

I. S. Avanesova, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, inna.avanesova.1969@mail.ru

Название Technology of multi-reservoir production from two reservoirs using single flow string
Автор Deryaev A. R.
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Natural Gas Research Institute, State Concern Turkmengaz, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

A. R. Deryaev, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, annagulyderyayew@gmail.com

Название Assessment of wear resistance of crusher members
Авторы Gryadunov S. S., Sivakov V. V.
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Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia

S. S. Gryadunov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor


Bryansk State Technological University of Engineering, Bryansk, Russia

V. V. Sivakov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, sv@bgitu.ru

Название Improvement of efficiency of mine compressor units using resource-saving engineering solutions
Авторы Merkulov M. V., Dzhuraev R. U., Khatamova D. N.
Информация об авторах

Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Moscow, Russia

M. V. Merkulov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor


Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Navoi, Uzbekistan
R. U. Dzhuraev, Head of Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, r.u.djuraev@yandex.ru
D. N. Khatamova, Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Название Classification of waste cutters of mining cutter–loaders
Авторы Prokopenko S. A., Kolotov S. A., Ludzish V. S.
Информация об авторах

Siberian Mining Industry Businessmen Research and Production LLC, Kemerovo, Russia

S. A. Prokopenko, Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, sibgp@mail.ru


Power of Siberia LLC, Kemerovo, Russia1 ; Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia2
S. A. Kolotov1,2, CEO, Post-Graduate


VostNII Science Center JSC, Kemerovo, Russia
V. S. Ludzish, Scientific Consultant, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Название Stimulation of water resistance of ammonium nitrate-based emulsions
Авторы Bulushev D. A., Sultanov E. V., Akinin N. I.
Информация об авторах

Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia

D. A. Bulushev, Post-Graduate, 191706@muctr.ru
E. V. Sultanov, Post-Graduate
N. I. Akinin, Head of Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Название Environmental and climatic impact of mining and oil-and-gas production in the Caspian region
Авторы Kerimov V. Yu., Aliev E. M., Serikova U. S., Guryanov S. A.
Информация об авторах

Oil and Gas Institute, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan1 ; Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Moscow, Russia2

V. Yu. Kerimov1,2, Head of Department, Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, vagif.kerimov@mail.ru


Oil and Gas Institute, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan
E. M. Aliev, Researcher


Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Moscow, Russia
U. S. Serikova, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor
S. A. Guryanov, Senior Lecturer

Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2024 →  №12