Chernye Metally

The first article in this issue is "Study of structure, phase compositions and heat-physical properties of high-alloyed iron with globular graphite" by E. B. Ten, A. S. Drokin, S. T. Kaldybaeva. Structure, phase compositions and heat-physical properties of ЧЮ22Ш (ChYu22Sh) high-alloyed iron with globular graphite are examined. It is shown that iron is crystallizing as eutectic alloy where eutectic from α-solid solution and graphite makes the base of it's structure.
The second Russian-language article is written by B. E. Paton, V. I. Lakomsky, V. I. Galinich and D. D. Mishchenko; it observes steel production in electric arc furnaces. Proposed graphite electrodes contain solid core including additives with low electron working output; it allows to improve VA-parameters of arc and to increase electrode resistance.
H. B. Lüngen observed current state and prospects iron and steel production in Europe. K. Beskow, P. Vesterberg and E. Dupon investigated Granshot granulation process that is a cost-effective method of handling excess iron in integrated steelmaking at high capacity and low cost. When compared to pig casters or beaching, the process is superiour with respect tohealth, safety and environment and the end-product is easy to process.
Heat recovery from waste gas of electric arc furnaces was the theme of work of C. Born and R. Granderath. This article describes the iRecovery technology to recover this energy, especially targeting the reference project at Georgsmarienhütte in Germany. The result of this heat recovery is steam; it will be discussed why the question of steam usage is often more important and complex than the question of steam generation.
M. Sartor, D. Buchloh, F. Rögener and T. Reichardt presented investigation of analytical systems for stainless steel pickling solutions based on mixed acids. In this study the performance of conventional lab analysis and two commercially available measurement systems was compared using the same solutions taken from different stainless steel pickling lines in Germany and Spain. As a result, the applied calculation algorithms are sufficient to control pickling processes.
The problem of water usage in steel making were examined by P. Suvio, A. van Hoorn and M. Szabo. As part of a worldsteel Water Management survey, data was received from 29 steelworks, representing 8 % or about 111 million t of the global annual steel output.Nearly 82 % of the water is consumed by once-through cooling.
Economical section includes the paper ""Fair play rules" are required for providing compeptitveness of German and European iron and steel industry" by G. Endemann and U. Ratzek, analytical materials "Global iron and steel industry: demand is stable" by G. Krause and " Iron and steel industry should be more active" by E. D. Schulz.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Steel industry of the world |
Development of metallurgy in Russia and other CIS countries | |
Название | Study of structure, phase compositions and heat-physical properties of high-alloyed iron with globular graphite |
Авторы | E. B. Ten, A. S. Drokin, S. T. Kaldybaeva. |
Информация об авторах | Dr. Eng., Prof. E. B. Ten; Ph.D A. S. Drokin, Chair "Technologies of Casting Processes", National University of Science and Technology «MISIS»; S. T. Kaldybaeva, Kazakh National Technical University; |
Название | Cored electrodes of electric arc furnaces |
Авторы | B. E. Paton, V. I. Lakomsky, V. I. Galinich, D. D. Mishchenko. |
Информация об авторах | Dr. Eng. B. E. Paton, Director; D.Sc. V. I. Lakomsky, Chief Research Scientist; Ph.D. V. I. Galinich, Head of Department; Ph.D. D. D. Mishchenko, Higher Research Scientist, The E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the National Ac. of Sc. of Ukraine; |
Название | St. Petersburg technical fair: the main industrial event in the North-Western region of Russia |
Название | Scientific-technical seminar on modernization of casting production |
Авторы | S. S. Tkachenko, V. S. Krivitsky. |
Информация об авторах | S. S. Tkachenko, V. S. Krivitsky, LenAL |
Название | International conference on large-diameter tubes |
Автор | E. V. Tsirulnikov |
Информация об авторе | E. V. Tsirulnikov, "Ore and Metals" Publishing house; |
Название | Results of annual meeting of “Metallurgmash” International Union |
Автор | E. V. Tsirulnikov. |
Информация об авторе | E. V. Tsirulnikov, "Ore and Metals" Publishing house; |
Ironmaking and steelmaking | |
Название | Iron and steel production in Europe: current state and prospects |
Автор | H. B. Lüngen. |
Информация об авторе | Dr. Eng. H. B. Lüngen, Marketing director, Steel Institute VDEh, Düsseldorf; |
Название | Granshot granulation process for optimized ironmaking operations |
Авторы | K. Beskow, P. Vesterberg, E. Dupon. |
Информация об авторах | Ph. D. K. Beskow, Engineer-technologist; Mag. P. Vesterberg, Sales manager, Uvan Hagfors Teknologi AB, Tabi, Sweden; Bac. E. Dupon, Senior sales manager, Danieli Corus, Ijmuiden, Netherlands; |
Название | Heat recovery from waste gas of electric arc furnaces |
Авторы | C. Born, R. Granderath. |
Информация об авторах | Econ. C. Born, Commercial director, Eng. R. Granderath, Executive director, Tenova Re Energy GmbH, Düsseldorf; |
Название | Siemens VAI: long operation of metallurgical works provides business development in modernization and services areas |
Rolling | |
Название | Analytical systems for stainless steel pickling solutions based on mixed acids |
Авторы | M. Sartor, D. Buchloh, F. Rögener, T. Reichardt. |
Информация об авторах | Dr. Eng. M. Sartor, Head of the project; Eng. D. Buchloh, Head of the project; Dr. Eng. F. Rögener, Head of the project group; Eng. T. Reichardt, Head of department of halvanizing and surface processing, Scientific and Research Institute VDEh, Düsseldorf; |
Power engineering and environment protection | |
Название | Water usage in steel making: Findings from a worldsteel Water Management Project |
Авторы | P. Suvio, A. van Hoorn, M. Szabo. |
Информация об авторах | P. Suvio, Researching engineer, Tata Steel UK Limited, Port-Talbot, UK; A. van Hoorn, M. Szabo, Advisors for environment protection, Tata Steel Ijmuiden BV, Ijmuiden, Netherlands; |
Название | “Fair play rules” are required for providing compeptiveness of German and European iron and steel industry |
Авторы | G. Endemann, U. Ratzek. |
Economics and finances | |
Название | Global iron and steel industry: demand is stable |
Автор | G. Krause. |
Название | Iron and steel industry should be more active |
Автор | E. D. Schulz. |
Информация об авторе | Prof., Dr.-Eng. E. D. Schulz, Chairman of the Board of corporation ThyssenKrupp AG; |
Название | Forecast of global steel market in Asia and Middle East in 2011 |
Название | Steel production in the world |
Education and training | |
Название | Schoolboys and schoolgirls are choosing profession |
Metallurgical history | |
Название | Special steel for storage of cultural history |
Название | Steel museum has got the award in the field of protection of historic monuments |
Название | Dillingen: development history of iron and steel industry |
Название | William Turner: the fighting “Temeraire” |
Автор | D. Haberland. |
Информация об авторе | Prof., Dr. D. Haberland, Oldenburg University named after Karl von Osezky, Oldenburg; |