Chernye Metally

The issue is opened by the interview with Anatoly N. Savenok, general director of Byelorussian Steel Works. It is accompanied by three articles prepared by the specialists of this enterprise.
A. A. Sotnikov, A. V. Demin and S. V. Terletsky described complex reconstruction of No. 3 continuous caster for billets at Byelorussian Steel Works. As a result of this reconstruction, productivity of continuous caster increased by 26 %, providing required level of quality parameters. Additionally, casting of round billets (with 200 mm diameter) dor tubemaking has been put into practice at this caster.
V. G. Razdobreev, P. V. Tokmakov, V. A. Lutsenko et al. investigated power-saving measures in production of reinforced rolled bars at 320 rolling mill of Byelorussian Steel Works. It is concluded that 1050 ºC initial temperature for rolling of 140x140 mm billet is the optimal technological mode.
V. I. Savich, O. G. Cherneta, A. N. Korobochka et al. presented the paper "Features of forming high-resistant coatings using dual-stage method". Regularities of forming high-resistant coatings in the surface area of tool steels and hard alloy cutting inserts are examined for dual-stage method of their fabrication.
Emission reduction at coke ovens with the PROven pressure regulation system was analyzed by F. Huhn, F. Krebber and J. Kühn-Gaidzik. Since the installations at the former coke plants August Thyssen and since 2003 at the most modern plant Schwelgern the PROven (Pressure Regulated Oven) system has been used worldwide for emission reduction. With the pressure inthe coke ovens adapted to the individual carbonization status the fugitive emissions are lowered considerably. Another material in this thematic section (" Development of a new type of single oven pressure control system for coke oven batteries") is presented by W. Faust, E. Lonardi, T. Hansmann and S. Pivot.
This issue also contains 4 article on rolling: "Productivity rise and quality improvement of new equipment, technologies and finished products in the center of attention" by K. Letz and U. Stellmacher; "Up-to-date longitudinal cutting lines for providing increased quality requirements" by J. Epp; " Increasing the efficiency of conventional pickling lines by using hydroabrasive waterjets" by J. Hemmelmann, D. Hein, W. Krumm and K. Boguslawsky; " Pull-oriented precision strip manufacturing" by J. Deuse, F. Bohnen and M. Indra.
New composite materials for automotive industry developed by ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe are observed in the paper by U. Ratzek. It includes such applications as hybrid cars and electrocars and such materials as sandwich materials, TPN-steels, hot-rolled sheet metal manufactured using open-coil annealing.
Power engineering and ecological problems are presented in this issue by the paper "Coke plants in the focus of air pollution control - from German TA Luft to legal demands of the EU" by M. Hein.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Steel industry of the world |
Development of metallurgy in Russia and other CIS countries | |
Название | The interview with Anatoly N. Savenok, general director of Byelorussian Steel Works |
Название | Complex reconstruction of continuous caster for billets at Byelorussian Steel Works |
Авторы | A. A. Sotnikov, A. V. Demin, S. V. Terletsky. |
Информация об авторах | A. A. Sotnikov, A. V. Demin, S. V. Terletsky, Byelorussian Steel Works; |
Название | Power-saving measures in production of reinforced rolled bars at 320 rolling mill of Byelorussian Steel Works |
Авторы | V. G. Razdobreev, P. V. Tokmakov, V. A. Lutsenko, A. A. Sotnikov, P. A. Bobkov, M. I. Titov. |
Информация об авторах | V. G. Razdobreev, P. V. Tokmakov, V. A. Lutsenko, Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy named after Z. I. Nekrasov of the National Ac. of Sc. of Ukraine; A. A. Sotnikov, P. A. Bobkov, M. I. Titov, Byelorussian Steel Works; |
Название | Features of forming high-resistant coatings using dual-stage method |
Авторы | V. I. Savich, O. G. Cherneta, A. N. Korobochka, A. B. Sychkov, A. M. Nesterenko, V. L. Plyuta, M. A. Murikov. |
Информация об авторах | V. I. Savich, University of Guelph, Kanada; O. G. Cherneta, A. N. Korobochka, Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University, Ukraine; A. B. Sychkov, West-European Metallurgical Division OJSC «Mechel», Rumania; A. M. Nesterenko, V. L. Plyuta, Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy of the National Ac. of Sc. of Ukraine; M. A. Murikov, Byelorussian Steel Works; |
Ironmaking and steelmaking | |
Название | Emission reduction at coke ovens with the PROven pressure regulation system |
Авторы | F. Huhn, F. Krebber, J. Kühn-Gaidzik. |
Информация об авторах | Dr. F. Huhn, Head of department of technological engineering, Coke Plant Technologies; Eng. F. Krebber, Leading engineer-technologist.; Eng. Y. Kyun-Gaydzhik, Engineer-technologist, Unde GmbH, Dortmund; |
Название | Development of a new type of single oven pressure control system for coke oven batteries |
Авторы | W. Faust, E. Lonardi, T. Hansmann, S. Pivot. |
Информация об авторах | Eng. W. Faust, Leading manager of coke-chemical production; Eng. E. Lonardi, 1st Vice president of corporative technology, Paul Wurth S. A., Luxemburg, Luxemburg; Dr. Eng. T. Hansman, Executive director; Dr. Eng. S. Pivot, General director of coke-chemical production, Paul Wurth Italia S.p.A., Genova, Italy; |
Rolling | |
Название | Productivity rise and quality improvement of new equipment, technologies and finished products in the center of attention |
Авторы | K. Letz, U. Stellmacher. |
Название | Up-to-date longitudinal cutting lines for providing increased quality requirements |
Автор | J. Epp. |
Информация об авторе | Eng. J. Epp, Head of departament of installation for cutting, Sundwig GmbH; |
Название | Increasing the efficiency of conventional pickling lines by using hydroabrasive waterjets |
Авторы | J. Hemmelmann, D. Hein, W. Krumm, K. Boguslawsky. |
Информация об авторах | Eng. Econ. J. Hemmelmann, Scientific fellow; Eng. D. Hein, Chief engineer; University Prof., Dr. Eng. V. Krumm, Head of the Chair of power engineering technologies and environment protection methods, Siegen University, Siegen; Eng. K. Boguslawski, Head of department of strip processing equipment, Sundwig GmbH, Hemer; |
Название | Pull-oriented precision strip manufacturing |
Авторы | J. Deuse, F. Bohnen, M. Indra. |
Информация об авторах | Dr. Eng. J. Deuze, University Prof.; Eng. F. Bonen, Researcher of the Chair "Labour and production systems", Dortmund Technical University; Dr. Eng. M. Indra, Economical department, ThyssenKrupp Nirosta GmbH, Krefeld; |
Power engineering and environment protection | |
Название | Coke plants in the focus of air pollution control — from German TA Luft to legal demands of the EU |
Автор | M. Hein. |
Информация об авторе | Dr. M. Hein, DMT GmbH & Co. KG, Essen; |
Steel as a material | |
Название | Building art using high-quality steel |
Название | Skyscrapers will shine with special steel |
Название | Steel: regenerative construction material |
Название | Steel production in the world |
Metallurgical history | |
Название | Mining-historic research of multi-cultural sites in Ruhr region |
Автор | U. Stellmacher. |
Информация об авторе | U. Stelmacher, Steel Institute VDEh; |