Chernye Metally

The issue is opening with the paper "Stability of flat strip taking into account elastic-plastic bending by metal thickness in thin sheet rolling" by E. A. Maksimov, R. L. Shatalov and A. S. Lukash. The technique for determination of critical compressing stresses and shape parameter during elastic-plastic loss of strip longitudinal stability in thin sheet rolling is presented in the paper. It was established that critical stresses and shape parameter can be located both in elastic and plastic areas for dimension range of strips processed on hot rolling and cold rolling mills, e.g. at 4-high reversing rolling mill 1700 located at "Mechel" metallurgical works.
I. A. Toder, V. A. Tolstykh and A. G. Zakharychev considered the main problems of rise of efficiency and competitiveness of observed packing devices: development of rational construction of a packing seals and choice of anti-friction material with highest tribo-technical parameters for their fabrication in their article "Modernization of packing device for supports of rolling rolls". It is shown that degree of development of secondary structures on each of investigated sections depends on materials participated in the process of their forming as well as on intensity of friction process and its duration.
New technology for the recovery of chromium from EAF stainless steelmaking slag is observed in the paper by G. Stubbe, G. Harp, D. Schmidt and M. Sedlmeier. The new process was tested successfully under operational conditions at BGH Edelstahl Siegen GmbH in collaboration with VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GmbH, and afterwards profitably realized by BGH as a standard procedure at its running EAF. Development of stainless steel production in Europe from 1996 to 2006 is analyzed and chemical composition of the different stainless steel groups is shown.
Quick and easy rolling with optimized rolling process using the Carta PSM technology system for bar mills was the theme of publication by A. Körmer and P. Thieven. The system furthermore helps with the tracking and with the utilization planning of numerous different roll-ring sets. This innovation has been put into practice at rolling facilities of SMS Meer company (Germany).
U. Mathee has examined in his article software that enables calculation of material properties in steel plants. Calculations of thermal, physical and materials properties using JMatPro (on the example of 42CrMo4 steel) can close the resulting gap - a practical application in the steel plant of Georgsmarienhütte GmbH is shown.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Development of metallurgy in Russia and other CIS countries | |
Название | Stability of flat strip taking into account elastic-plastic bending by metal thickness in thin sheet rolling |
Авторы | E. A. Maksimov, R. L. Shatalov, A. S. Lukash |
Информация об авторах | Ph.D. E. A. Maksimov, Head of Department of Rolling Mill Equipment, LLC “INTRAI”, Chelyabinsk; Dr. Eng., Prof. R. L. Shatalov, Head of Chair of Metallurgy, Metal Science and Metal Forming; A. S. Lukash, Postgraduate, Moscow State Open University, Russia; |
Название | Modernization of packing device for supports of rolling rolls |
Авторы | I. A. Toder, V. A. Tolstykh, A. G. Zakharychev |
Информация об авторах | Ph.D. I. A. Toder, Head of Laboratory; V. A. Tolstykh, Chief Structural Engineer; A. G. Zakharychev, OJSC “VNIIMETNASH named after ac. A. I. Tselikov”, Moscow; |
Название | 100th anniversary of Andrey A. Korolev |
Iron and Steel Making | |
Название | New technology for the recovery of chromium from EAF stainless steelmaking slag |
Авторы | G. Stubbe, G. Harp, D. Schmidt, M. Sedlmeier |
Информация об авторах | Eng. G. Stubbe, Researcher, Department of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy; Dr.-Nat. G. Harp, Head of Department, VDEh Institute of Applied Research GmbH, Dusseldorf; D. Schmidt, Head of the Production of Steelmaking Shop, Siegen-Eintracht Work; Eng. M. Sedlmeier Head of metallurgical and forging, Siegen-Eintracht Work, BGH Edelstahl Siegen GmbH, Siegen, Germany; |
Rolling | |
Название | The Carta PSM technology system for bar mills: quick and easy rolling with optimized rolling process |
Авторы | A. Körmer, P. Thieven |
Информация об авторах | Dr. A. Körmer, The Technology, Equipment for the Production of Profiles; P. Thieven, Technology, Aggregates for the Production of Seamless Pipes, SMS Meer GmbH, Monchenglandbach; |
Название | Laser measurement system for optimization of rolling process |
Research and design works | |
Название | Software enables calculation of material properties in steel plants: process design by material simulation |
Автор | U. Mathee |
Информация об авторе | U. Mathee, Special correspondent, Coesfeld; |
Название | New accumulator battery on Fe–C base |
Economics and finances | |
Название | Complicated situation for steel producers |
Авторы | N. Naujok, J. Rotering |
Информация об авторах | Dr. N. Naujok, Executive, Booz & Company, Berlin; Dr. J. Rotering, Senior Vice-President and Executive Director, Booz & Company, Dusseldorf; |
Название | Steel production worldwide |
Education and training | |
Название | Collective “demographic” labour contract for iron and steel industry |
Авторы | O. Katenkamp, H. Martens, A. Georg |
Информация об авторах | O. Katenkamp, H. Martens, A. Georg, Service of Social Research, Dortmund; |
Название | Good preparation for strengthening of market positions |
Название | Increase of women’s part in metal working and electrotechnical industry |
Название | Education: the way to the engineer’s carrier |
Название | Scientific and technical news of the world |
Metallurgical history | |
Название | Technical history in museums |
Автор | A. Schwartz. |
Название | Krupp: two ages in pictures |
Название | Samurai swords |
Автор | Yu. G. Gurevich. |
Информация об авторе | Dr. Eng., Prof. Yu. G. Gurevich, Departament "Energy and Technology of Metals", Kurgan State University, Russia; |