Chernye Metally

The issue is opened by the interview of Sergey V. Kostrov, general director of Volzhsky Abrasive Works, one of the largest Russian and CIS enterprises manufacturing silicon carbide.
Two publications about development of tube production are presented in this issue. The first of them (by N. Vavilkin and A. Krasikov) describes improvement of the classic method of shell rolling with manufacturing of rough tube in 7-9 2-hi stands with long mandrel at Sinarsky Tube Works. Manufacturers of tube products put into practice the technology of continuous tube rolling at controlled and transferred mandrel in 3-roll passes during building the new production facilities and modernizing the existing ones. These 3-roll passes are designated as PQF (Premium Quality Finishing) and FQM (Fine Quality Mill).
Another article "Development and put into practice production technology for tubing pipes from continuously cast billet" by D. Ovchinnikov, A. Bogatov and M. Erpalov gives description of innovation technology for production of tubing pipes and tubes in cold-resistant and corrosion-resistant modifications from continuously cast billets. This technology is based on radial-displacement rolling and uses reduction on 3-roll cross-rolling mill before piercing in TPA-80 continuous tube rolling mill at the same Sinarsky Tube Works.
I. Butorina and E. Emelyanova analyzed the problems of dust forming during production of ferro-alloys in electric arc furnaces. It is concluded that electric arc furnaces of new generation with stirring in the bath are the best units for melting ferro-alloys owing to decrease of melt surface temperature.
The foreign papers are collected mainly in the section "Iron and steel production". M. Cremer observed a Six Sigma project called “Revise of the coke oven door maintenance” to check all oven 280 doors yearly. The Six Sigma technique includes the following stages of solving the problems: definition, mesaurement, analysis, improvement and control. H.-J. Krassnig, H. Sommerauer et al. presented the article "Optical foaming slag detection and control at an AC electric arc furnace" and researched share of different CO2 sources in the electric steelmaking at Stahl- und Walzwerk Marienhütte GmbH (it includes coal, natural gas, scrap, electrodes and other elements) as well as position of CCD camera in front of the electric arc furnace slag door. Dynamic process models for on-line control of steelmaking processes, exemplified for the VOD process are considered by M. Schlautmann, B. Kleimt et al. These models allow a more accurate temperature control and adjustment of final carbon and nitrogen contents with reduced slagging of chromium.
Systematic approach to lowering of power expenses is analyzed by D. Stolz from Endress+Hauser Messtechnik GmbH + Co. KG. Large possibilities of reducing power consumption using developed computer program for power consumption management are revealed.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Steel industry of the world |
Development of metallurgy in Russia and other CIS countries | |
Название | The interview with Sergey V. Kostrov, General Director of Volzhsky Abrasive Works |
Название | Research and development of operation modes of continuous long mandrel tube mills |
Авторы | N. M. Vavilkin, A. V. Krasikov. |
Информация об авторах |
National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (MISIS), Russia: N. M. Vavilkin, Dr. Eng., Chair of Technology and Pipe Production Equipment A. V. Krasikov, Postgraduate, Chair of Technology and Pipe Production Equipment, |
Название | Development and put into practice production technology for tubing pipes from continuously cast billet |
Авторы | D. V. Ovchinnikov, A. A. Bogatov, M. V. Erpalov. |
Информация об авторах | OJSC Sinarsk Pipe Works, Kamensk-Uralskiy: D. V. Ovchinnikov, Chief Engineer – The First Deputy Managing Director
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg: A. A. Bogatov, Dr.Eng., Prof., Head of Chair of Metal Forming M. V. Erpalov, Postgraduate, |
Название | Dust forming in production of ferro-alloys and the methods for its lowering |
Авторы | I. V. Butorina, E. S. Emelyanova. |
Информация об авторах | St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University: I. V. Butorina, Dr. Eng., Prof.,
JSC “Scientific Research Institute for Atmospheric Air Protection”: E. S. Enelyanova, Engineer, Postgraduate of St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University |
Название | International scientific-technical conference and fair “Casting and Metallurgy-2011. Belarus” |
Название | Winners of the Award of the President of Russian Federation (2011) in the field of science and innovations for young scientists |
Iron and Steel Making | |
Название | Revision of the coke oven door maintenance process at coking plant |
Автор | M. Cremer. |
Информация об авторе | KBS Kokerei betriebs gesellschaft Schwelgern GmbH, Duisburg: M. Cremer, Eng., |
Название | Optical foaming slag detection and control at an AC electric arc furnace |
Авторы | H.-J. Krassnig, H. Sommerauer, H. Fohringer, Ch. Koubek, R. Krump. |
Информация об авторах | Marienhütte GmbH, Graz: H.-J. Krassnig, Dr. Eng., H. Sommerauer, Eng. H. Fohringer, Eng., Managing Director
vatron GmbH, Linz, Austria: Ch. Koubek, Eng. R. Krump., Eng. |
Название | Dynamic process models for on-line control of steelmaking processes, exemplified for the VOD process |
Авторы | M. Schlautmann, B. Kleimt, A. Kubbe, R. Teworte, D. Rzehak, D. Senk, A. Jaklic, M. Klinar. |
Информация об авторах | VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany: M. Schlautmann, Dr.Nat., Head of Project, martin.schlа B. Kleimt, Dr.Eng., Head of Department
SMS Mevac, Essen, Germany: A. Kubbe, Dr.Eng., Head of Department R. Teworte, Dr.Nat., General Manager
RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany: D. Rzehak, Dr.Eng., Researcher D. Senk, Dr.Eng., Prof.
SZ Acroni, Jesenice, Slovenia: A. Jaklic, Dr.Eng., Head of Department M. Klinar, Magister, Head Technologist |
Continuous Casting | |
Название | Fast and accurate meniscus level measurement for continuous casting machines |
Авторы | D. Mörmann, J. Schmid, S. Spagnul. |
Информация об авторах | Berthold Technologies GmbH & Co. KG Bad Wildbad, Germany: D. Mörmann, Dr., Head of Technologic Department, J. Schmid, Eng., Engineer for software and hardware
Ergolines Lab s.r.l., Trieste, Italy: S. Spagnul, Head of Researcher |
Rolling | |
Название | Elimination of flatness defects in cold rolling |
Авторы | R. Pichler, B. Schlegl, K. Aistleitner. |
Информация об авторах | pa-innovations GmbH, Linz, Austria: R. Pichler, Eng., General Director, B. Schlegl, Freelance K. Aistleitner, Eng., Director, |
Power Engineering and Ecology | |
Название | Systematic approach to lowering of power expenses |
Автор | D. Stolz. |
Информация об авторе | Endress+Hauser Messtechnik GmbH+Co. KG, Weil am Rhein, Germany: D. Stolz, |
Название | Investments of Dillinger Hütte in offshore winding power stations |
Steel as a material | |
Название | High-quality steel sheets for front face cladding |
Название | Dillinger steel conquered hearts of Parisiens |
Название | Steel production worldwide |
Metallurgical history | |
Название | Travel through the iron world |
Автор | E. Pasche. |
Информация об авторе | E. Pasche, Eng., |
Название | Steel protects “Ruhr industrial cradle” |
Название | Steel writes history |
Автор | A. Schwartz. |