Chernye Metally

The issue is opened by the analytical review "Overcoming the crisis in the iron and steel industry: the first results" by Yu. L. Adno. The paper considers preliminary results of overcoming the crisis by the iron and steel industry. Global iron and steel industry in 2011 is characterized by the tendencies of recovering growth - absolute pre-crisis level of global production and consumption of metal products has been exceeded. The lessons of crisis have revealed weak features of the metallurgical complex, 6 practical recommendations are given and they will be taken into account in further development of Russian works.
A. G. Radyuk and A. E. Titlyanov in their article "Usage of aluminium gas-thermal coating for decrease of metal and heat losses in hot rolling" investigated possibility of using aluminum to enhance GTC for hot-rolled steel, copper and titanium pieces: reduction of metal loss with the fumes, dross and trimmings, reduction of heat loss peal.
In the section "Iron and steel making", M. Dorndorf, M. Abel, M. Hein and H. Huber presented the article "Electric arc furnace "Quantum": the prospective concept for efficient steelmaking". Using its multi-year experience in the field of shaft furnaces, Siemens VAI has developed the new electric arc furnace characterized by such new features as new concept of scrap charging and efficient system of its heating, new mechanism of shell tilting as well as improved pouring unit.
R. Fandrich, B. Kleimt, H. Liebig et al. prepared the survey "Status of secondary metallurgy and present trends". This overview outlines the specific characteristics ofmodern secondary metallurgy for heating, vacuum degassing, efficient vacuum production and measures to ensuresteel cleanness and castability.
The new hot strip mill of Çolakoğlu Metalurji A.S., Turkey, a company based in the Greater Istanbul area, produced the first coil, reported D. Ehlert, S. Krämer and H. Hartmann. With its powerful new plant designed and manufactured by SMS Siemag AG (Germany), the company expanded its product portfolio from long products to high-quality hot strip, thus opening up a new chapter in its corporate history.
J. Epp devoted his article to improvement of flatness and decrease of internal stresses in current manufacturing products of stainless and high strength steels. In this connection, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe uses precision units for straightening of heavy plates that help to meet new requirements regarding flatness and internal stresses.
Actual theme "Reducing greenhouse gas emissions with Energiron non-selective carbon-free emissions scheme" by P. E. Duarte, J. Becerra is discussed further. An alternate approach is to use this available energy for the production of direct reduced iron, which can be fed as metallic charge to BF providing an increase in production of crude steel or alternatively, a significant reduction of fossil fuels specific consumption.
Environmental problems are also covered in the paper "Decrease of dust emissions during unloading of bulky materials" by A. Peters, A. Kuhn, G. Altmeyer, H.-J. Leiβner. The operating principle of the unit is described and environmental safe and cheap features are observed. 3D model of the existing belt-conveyor trestle has been developed by Uhde Services company and simulation testings of dust collecting shell have been executed.
The coloured insert is devoted to the 50th anniversary of establishment of "Chernye Metally" journal and includes historical description of the journal development since 1961.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Steel industry of the world |
Development of metallurgy in Russia and other CIS countries | |
Название | Journal “Ferrous Metals”: yesterday and today |
Авторы | E. V. Tsirulnikov, A. G. Vorobiev. |
Название | Overcoming the crisis in the iron and steel industry: the first results |
Автор | Yu. L. Adno. |
Информация об авторе | Yu. L. Adno, Ph.D., Head of Sector, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russia; |
Название | Usage of aluminium gas-thermal coating for decrease of metal and heat losses in hot rolling |
Авторы | A. G. Radyuk, A. E. Titlyanov. |
Информация об авторах | A. G. Radyuk, Dr. Eng., Prof., Chief Researcher; A. E. Titlyanov, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Chair of Technology and Pipe Production Equipment, MISIS, Russia; |
Iron and Steel Making | |
Название | Electric arc furnace Quantum: the prospective concept for efficient steelmaking |
Авторы | M. Dorndorf, M. Abel, M. Hein, H. Huber. |
Информация об авторах | M. Dorndorf, Dr. Eng., Head of Research Department; M. Abel, Manager on management of the life cycle of electric arc furnaces; M. Hein, Chief Technologist; H. Huber, Head of the Department of space-planning solutions, Siemens VAI Metals Technologies GmbH, Willstätt, Germany; |
Название | Status of secondary metallurgy and present trends |
Авторы | R. Fandrich, B. Kleimt, H. Liebig, Th. Pieper, F. Treppschuh, W. Urban. |
Информация об авторах | R. Fandrich, Dr.Eng., Manager, Steel Institute VDEh; B. Kleimt, Head of the Department of automation of technological processes in steel production, BFI, VDEh; H. Liebig, Chairman "The converter production” VDEh, Head of steel-smelting manufacture, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG; Th. Pieper, Head of the smelting and furnace charge department, Deutsche Edelstahlwerke GmbH, Witten; F. Treppschuh, GMH Engineering GmbH, Georgsmarienhütte; W. Urban, Eng., Head of steel-smelting manufacture, Krupp Mannesmann GmbH, Germany; |
Rolling | |
Название | New hot strip mill at Çolakoğlu allows a wider product portfolio |
Авторы | D. Ehlert, S. Krämer, H. Hartmann, H. Höfer, W. Lay, H.-J. Seiter, R. Nejad, A. Fikret Gen. |
Название | Improvement of flatness and decrease of internal stresses |
Автор | J. Epp. |
Информация об авторе | J. Epp, Eng., Andritz Sundwig GmbH, Hemer ; |
Power Engineering and Ecology | |
Название | Reducing greenhouse gas emissions with Energiron non-selective carbon-free emissions scheme |
Авторы | P. E. Duarte, J. Becerra. |
Информация об авторах | P. E. Duarte, Business Director; J. Becerra, Vice-President of Engineering, HYL Technologies SA de CV (Tenova HYL), Monterrey, Mexico; |
Название | Decrease of dust emissions during unloading of bulky materials |
Авторы | A. Peters, A. Kuhn, G. Altmeyer, H.-J. Leiβner. |
Информация об авторах | A. Peters, Eng., Head of Department "Sales and marketing"; A. Kuhn, Head of Department "Mechanical engineering", Uhde Services GmbH, Haltern am See; G. Altmeyer, Eng. Head of Department "Blast-furnace production Hamborn”; H.-J. Leiβner, Eng., Head of Department "The technique of removal of dust", ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, Duisburg; |
Название | Steel production worldwide |
Education and training of specialists | |
Название | It's more easy to employ for bachelors |
Название | Choosing professions in the field of natural science |
Название | Learning with optimism |
Metallurgical history | |
Название | The early history of the steelmaking committee of VDEh |
Автор | M. Rasch. |
Информация об авторе | M. Rasch, Prof., Head of Back files, ThyssenKrupp AG, Duisburg, Chairman of the Historical committee of the Steel Institute VDEh, Düsseldorf, Germany; |
Название | “Oktyabr’skaya”: the most “mining and metallurgical” station of Moscow underground |
Автор | E. V. Tsirulnikov. |
Информация об авторе | E. V. Tsirulnikov, "Ore and Metals" Publishing House; |