Chernye Metally

Tube making is one of the topic themes of the September 2012 issue of "Chernye Metally".
One of the papers "Up-to-date approaches to production of low-carbon micro-alloyed tube steel at Steckel mills" by Yu. D. Morozov, E. A. Goli-Oglu, S. Yu. Nastich, A. V. Knyshev. The features of up-to-date technologies of manufacturing high-strength rolled products of large diameter tubes for gas pipelines are described applying to the Steckel rolling mills. Austenite structure of labour samples after simulation of different rolling procedures in roughing rolling is examined for different partial reduction, as well as dispersed ferrite-bainite microstructure of rolled steel with K60 strength class. The main technical and technological advantages and deficiencies of manufacturing process of high-strength rolled tubes at these mills, including location plan, dimension range and productivity, are noted.
Another article is the review on development of the technologies of hot rolling of seamless tubes by A. V. Vydrin, deputy director of RosNITI - All-Russian scientific and research institute of tube industry. Technological parameters of rolling mill setting are compared for the tubes manufactured at Elektrostal works of heavy machinery, Pervouralsky novotrubny works, Volzhsky, Sinarsky and Nikopol tube works and Moscow power engineering institute. In order to solve the problems, connected with piercing of continuously cast billets, the new roll pass designs and new schedules of setting of piercing mills are developed.
Another large section in this issue is Iron and Steel Making.
A. Hirsch, J. van der Stel and D. Sert presented the paper "ULCOS top gas recycling blast furnace". The ULCOS blast furnace process (ULCOS BF) aims at minimizing CO2 emission of the blast furnace by at least 50 %. This process is based on the replacement of hot blast by cold oxygen, the recycling of decarbonated top gas into the lower shaft and normal tuyeres, the capture of CO2 and its storage in a geological trap (full CCS process).
J. Hunger, J. Buchwalder, T. Freude from ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt GmbH and R. Hebel from Paul Wurth Refractory & Engineering GmbH have observed novelty of an inclined bosh copper cooling stave device and its application. The new angled system, Cu staves with refractory inserts and support ring coolers, was installed in 2005 at ArcelorMittal's blast furnace 5A in Eisenhüttenstadt (its view is presented in the paper). Since then it has improved the service life of bosh shell, tuyere coolers and nozzles.
In the meantime J. Pethke, T. Mirkovic, V. Hille and R. Hebel prepared the analysis of blast furnace hearth campaigns with different hearth designs at Salzgitter Flachstahl. The hearth of BF-B was relined with small, hot pressed carbon bricks, while the hearth of BF-A was bricked with large carbon blocks glued together. The goal of this new composite lining method is to avoid or at least substantially to reduce the brittle zone that forms in the carbon blocks of the hearth.
Actual theme of the use of soft reduction in the production of long products was considered by R. Thome, K. Harste, K.-J. Richter, G. Ney from Saarstahl AG. Influence of mechanical soft reduction on the solidification process is shown as well as operational range end effectiveness of the soft reduction process are analyzed in the range between of solid fraction and liquid pool thickness in order to define centerline segregation index and crack index. The results presented in the following paper show that the mechanical soft reduction is a suitable technology to significantly improve center segregation and center porosity also in billet casting 150 mm · 150 mm.
The issue contains also the articles on power engineering and ecology, steel as material and metallurgical history.
More details about the issue you can find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Steel industry of the world |
Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS | |
Название | Up-to-date approaches to production of low-carbon micro-alloyed tube steel at Steckel mills |
Авторы | Yu. D. Morozov, E. A. Goli-Oglu, S. Yu. Nastich, A. V. Knyshev. |
Информация об авторах | Central Scientific and Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy (TsNIIchermet) named after I. P. Bardin, Moscow, Russia: Morozov Yu. D., Cand. Eng., Director Goli-Oglu E. A., Cand. Eng., Senior Research Fellow, Nastich S. Yu., Cand. Eng., Leading Scientific Fellow
Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Works, Chelyabinsk, Russia: Knyshev A. V., Head of Technological Department |
Название | Development of the technologies of hot rolling of seamless tubes |
Автор | A. V. Vydrin. |
Информация об авторе | Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Tube Industry (RosNITI), Chelyabinsk, Russia: Vydrin A. V., Dr. Eng., Prof., Deputy General Director on Scientific Work, |
Название | Choice of rational heating conditions for massive billets in periodical furnaces |
Авторы | V. V. Kurnosov, I. A. Levitsky, I. A. Pribytkov. |
Информация об авторах | National Research Technological University “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys” — NITU MISiS, Moscow, Russia: Kurnosov V. V., Cand. Phys. & Math., Head of the Chair of Thermal Physics and Ecology of Metallurgical Production Levitsky I. A., Cand. Eng., Assist. Prof. of the Chair of Thermal Physics and Ecology of Metallurgical Production, Pribytkov I. A., Cand. Eng., Deputy Head of the Chair of Thermal Physics and Ecology of Metallurgical Production |
Название | The 10th Metallurgical Summit of Russia and CIS countries in Moscow |
Название | “Russian Metallurgy. State and Prospects” press conference |
Iron and Steel Making | |
Название | ULCOS top gas recycling blast furnace |
Авторы | A. Hirsch, J. van der Stel, D. Sert. |
Информация об авторах | ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, Duisburg, Germany: Hirsch A., Dr. Eng., Project Engineer, Ironmaking Technology,
Tata Steel Europe, Ijmuiden, The Netherlands: van der Stel J., Knowledge Group Leader, Tata Steel Research Development & Technology
ArcelorMittal, Maizi`eres-l`es-Metz Cedex, France: Sert D., Researcher, Global Research and Development |
Название | Novelty of an inclined bosh copper cooling stave device and its application |
Авторы | J. Hunger, J. Buchwalder, T. Freude, R. Hebel. |
Информация об авторах | ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt GmbH, Eisenhüttenstadt, Germany: Hunger J., Dr. Eng., Head of Ironmaking Shop,
Buchwalder J., Director of Strategy and Technological Development Freude T., Dr. Eng., Head of Department of Prospective Planning
Paul Wurth Refractory & Engineering GmbH, Mainz Kastel, Germany: Hebel R., Mag. Eng., Concultant |
Название | Blast furnace hearth campaigns with different hearth designs at Salzgitter Flachstahl |
Авторы | J. Pethke, T. Mirkovic, V. Hille, R. Hebel. |
Информация об авторах | Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH, Salzgitter, Germany: Pethke J., Dr. Eng., General Manager, Ironmaking Work Mirkovic T., Dr. Eng., Head of Blast Furnace B Ironmaking Hille V., Dr. Eng., Head of Projectmanagement Ironmaking
Paul Wurth Refractory & Engineering GmbH, Mainz Kastel, Germany: Hebel R., Mag. Eng., Concultant, |
Continuous casting | |
Название | The use of soft reduction in the production of long products |
Авторы | R. Thome, K. Harste, K.-J. Richter, G. Ney. |
Информация об авторах | Saarstahl AG, Völklingen, Germany: Thome R., Dr. Eng., Head of Research and Development, Continuous Casting, Harste K., Dr. Eng., Chairman of the Voard Richter K.-J., Dr. Eng., Head of Production of Liquid Phase Ney G., Mag. Eng., Head of Casting Shop, LD-Steel Making |
Power Engineering and Ecology | |
Название | New burners in forging furnaces for power saving |
Авторы | J. Šrajer, D. Mohyla, J. Domagala. |
Информация об авторах | Vitkovice Schreier s.r.o., Ostrava, Czech Republic: Šrajer, J. Mohyla, D.,
Engtra/Bloom Engineering (Europa) GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany: Domagala J. |
Steel as Material | |
Название | The new tongue of the bell from the Cologne Cathedral |
Название | Steel production worldwide |
Metallurgical history | |
Название | Steel writes the history |
Автор | A. Schwartz. |
Название | The metallurgist that has discovered ledeburite |
Автор | G. Grabow. |
Название | The global technical heritage: unique industrial architecture by V. Shukhov in Vyksa |