Chernye Metally

The section "Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS" is opened by publication "Study of the cast structure of industrial slab of ferrite-pearlite steel" by A. A. Kazakov, O. V. Pakhomova, E. I. Kazakova. Dendritic structure of industrial slab of ferrite-pearlite steel has been investigated by methods of metallographic analysis and X-ray spectrometry analysis. Some regularities of elements correspondence of dendritic and cast grain structure were established.
Another article in this section is presented by O. B. Kalugina and D. I. Kinzin from Magnitogorsk State Technical University. The authors compared calculated values of elongation coefficient with its experimental data in rolling on flat rolls of 250, 370 and 450 rolling mills of Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works. The dependence between received calculation accuracy and deformation area shape has been revealed. In order to extend the applying area of form-shaping calculation methodology, the correcting coefficient has been suggested.
Investigations presented by E. A. Dudorov and Yu. V. Zhirkin have been devoted to increase of service life of the bearing units of work rolls at 2000 hot rolling mill and have been conducted also at Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works. It is shown that application of lubrication system has caused a decrease of the lubricant consumption in eight times and sizeable increase of average resource of rolling-element bearings of work rolls (by 2.1 times).
The problems of iron and steel making are researched in the three publications. The first one, "From ore to steel - ironmaking process" by P. Schmöle and H. B. Lüngen observes principally four routes for steelmaking: three are based on iron ore reduction via blast furnace, smelting reduction and direct reduction; one is based on melting steel scrap via the electric arc furnace. The second one, "State of the art and future trends of ingot casting and remelting technology" by J. Eisenkolb, R. Fandrich, R. Gerling, H.-P. Jung presents analysis of different technologies of ingot casting, sizes, moulds, refractories, casting fluxes, cooling, stripping, heat treatment, ingot quality, solidification structure, segregations and surface mistakes. The cost for the conversion of steel in secondary steelmaking including a ladle furnace and various vacuum treatment processes have been investigated in the third paper by W. Burgmann, J. Davené for a large heat range comparing two commonly used vacuum pump systems.
Five papers are published in the section "Steel as material".
The issue contains as usual the articles on power engineering and environment protection, economics and finances, education and training and metallurgical history.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Steel industry of the world |
Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS | |
Название | Study of the cast structure of industrial slab of ferrite-pearlite steel |
Авторы | A. A. Kazakov, O. V. Pakhomova, E. I. Kazakova. |
Информация об авторах | St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, St. Petersburg, Russia: Kazakov A. A., Head of the chair “Steel and Alloys”, Pakhomova O. V., Dr. Eng., Prof., Leading engineer, the chair “Steel and Alloys” Kazakova E. I., Leading engineer, the chair “Steel and Alloys” |
Название | Improvement of mathematical model of metal forming in section rolling on the base of experimental and theoretical evaluation of broadening |
Авторы | O. B. Kalugina, D. I. Kinzin. |
Информация об авторах | Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia: Kalugina O. B., Sr. lecturer of “Information technology” dept., Kinzin D. I., Ass. Prof. of “Metal forming” dept., Cand. Eng. Moller A. B., Dr. Eng., Prof. |
Название | Increase of service life of the bearing units of work rolls at 2000 hot rolling mill of Magnitogorsk Integrated Metallurgical Works |
Авторы | E. A. Dudorov, Yu. V. Zhirkin. |
Информация об авторах | “MPS-Mash” JSC (Magnitogorsk, Russia): Dudorov E. A., Chief Designing Engineer
Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia: Zhirkin Yu. V., Cand. Eng., Prof.
E-mail (common): |
Название | Development of state-of-the-art tubemaking technologies |
Название | 5th International conference on dust and gas cleaning “Pylegazoochistka 2012” |
Iron and Steel Making | |
Название | From ore to steel — ironmaking process |
Авторы | P. Schmöle, H. B. Lüngen. |
Информация об авторах | ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, Duisburg, Germany: P. Schmöle, Dr. Eng., Prof., Head of Ironmaking Technology
Steel Institute VDEh, Düsseldorf, Germany: H. B. Lüngen, Dr. Eng., Senior Manager Operating Unit Technology, |
Название | State of the art and future trends of ingot casting and remelting technology |
Авторы | J. Eisenkolb, R. Fandrich, R. Gerling, H.-P. Jung. |
Информация об авторах | Dresden, Germany: Eisenkolb J., Engineer,
Steel Institute VDEh (Düsseldorf, Germany): Fandrich R., Dr. Eng., Manager of Steel Production and Metallurgy
Bous, Germany: Gerling R., Engineer
Deutsche Edelstahlwerke GmbH (Siegen, Germany): Jung H.-P., Engineer, Head of Bloom Casting Dept., Head of Quality Works, Process Development |
Название | The cost structure of vacuum steel degassing including ladle furnace treatment |
Авторы | W. Burgmann, J. Davené. |
Информация об авторах | Burgmann-Consulting, Strasbourg, France: Burgmann W., Dr/Eng., Consultant Vacuum Technology,
Profratec, St. Etienne, France: Davené J., Engineer, Technical Consulting Steelmaking |
Power Engineering and Ecology | |
Название | Steel: the base for the new power engineering policy |
Автор | K. Vollrath. |
Информация об авторе | Aarvangen, Switzerland: Vollrath K., Technical journalist, |
Название | Sensors for control of harmful emissions at Usiminas works |
Автор | Th. Grützmacher. |
Steel as material | |
Название | High-quality material for all cases |
Название | Lightweight structures increase service life |
Название | Steel tower for the new London image |
Название | Harmony of galvinized steel and cast glass |
Название | Forest path on steel ropes |
Economics and Finances | |
Название | Steel: starting point of strength for climate protection |
Автор | N. Thomas. |
Название | Chinese iron and steel industry |
Авторы | R. Fandrich, K. Harste. |
Название | Politicians imply essential risks to iron and steel industry |
Автор | H. J. Kerkhoff. |
Название | Steel production worldwide |
Education and training of specialists | |
Название | Professional choice “on-line” |
Название | State-of-the-art scientific knowledge for talented pupils |
Название | Most of Germans know nothing about the Bologna high school system |
Metallurgical history | |
Название | Adolf Menzel: ironmaking plant (modern cyclops) |
Автор | D. Haberland. |
Название | F. P. Edneral, the “general” of metallurgy |
Автор | Yu. G. Gurevich. |