Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2012 →  №4 Спец. выпуск →  Назад

Geology and development of oil and gas deposits
Название Lithology and petroleum potential lower carboniferous deposits of the West-Siberian geosineclise
Автор A. E. Kontorovich, V. A. Kontorovich, A. Koveshnikov.

The Lower Carbon sediments on the territory of the South-Eastern part of West-Siberian geosineclise are the parallel generated biogenic entities, such as limestones and basin siliconclay sediments, containing the limestones, similar to reefogenic. Limestones in diagenese were intensively siliceous, down to the formation of carbonate-mikroquartzite rocks. In orogenetic (gipergenetic) development stage of the region, there were formed the microquarzites: the breed-manifolds, connected with oil and gas beds, opened in Lower Carbon deposits. In the Upper Devonian, the reservoir rocks were formed in the reefogenetic limestone, into the secondary katagenetic stage of the rocks transformation in the form of the dolomite substitution. In the other hand, the reservoir rocks and oil and gas deposits were formed in Lower Carbon, due to the diagenetic silicificating of reefogenetic genesis limestones and inter-bedded limestones within the basin complex, which reservoir properties have been improved in orogenetic (gipergenetic) stage. As a result of the development of fracturing tectonics in the second- katagenetic stage, the oil and gas deposits were formed on these species-collectors.

Ключевые слова Early carbon deposits, hypergenesis, secondary catagenetic transformation, prejurassic deposits, Western-Siberian geosineclise, metasomatism, formation of cracks, breedthe collector
Language of full-text русский
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