Название | Experience of fine screening introduction in apatite-nepheline ore milling circuit |
Автор | Kalugin A. I., Gumenichenko K. M., Barabash A. Yu., Arsentiev S. S. |
Информация об авторе | Author 1:
Реферат | In 2005 Apatit JSC trialed a screen manufactured by Derrick (model Stack Sizer 2SG48-60W-1STK) with a variable frequency drive on a semicommercial plant. The semicommercial and commercial trials demonstrated efficiency of the fine screening technology used in the ball milling circuit of ore preparation for flotation. The commercial operation revealed the increase in the milling output owing to reduced circulating load, increased coarseness of flotation feed and sufficient dissociation of apatite. From the mineralogical analysis, the amount of intergrown pieces of apatite and other minerals is substantially lower in the large size categories of the under-screen than in the same size categories of the cyclone discharge. As the result, +0.16 mm size content of the flotation concentrate is increased from 13–15% to ~30%. According to the grain-size composition, the apatite concentrate produced using the fine screening is close to the apatite concentrate grade Super (RF Technical Specifications 2111-37-00203938-96). The introduction of the fine screening and re-adjustment of the apatite-nepheline ore milling circuit towards maximum possible grain size with keeping the dissociation ability of intergrown pieces of minerals has ensured the optimized feed of ball mills MSHTS 55006500 with up to 400–420 t/h of ROM ore and improved the apatite concentrate production. |
Ключевые слова | Apatite-nepheline ore, milling, classification, fine screening, efficiency, size grade, apatite concentrate |
Библиографический список | 1. Vaysberg L. A., Vyaltseva O. A. Gusarov Yu. G. Dmitriev A. A., Korovnikov A. N. Voprosy sovershenstvovaniya tekhniki i tekhnologii tonkogo grokhocheniya pri obogashchenii rud tsvetnykh metallov (Problems of improvement of technics and technology of fine screening in the time of concentration of non-ferrous metal ores). Sovershenstvovanie protsessov drobleniya, izmelcheniya, grokhocheniya i klassifikatsii rud i produktov obogashcheniya : sbornik nauchnykh trudov (Improvement of grinding, crushing and screening processes, and classification of ores and concentration products : collection of scientific proceedings). Leningrad : Mekhanobr, 1985. pp. 139–152. 2. Sukhova E. B., Streltsyn V. G., Konev V. A. Tekhnologicheskie osobennosti primeneniya tonkogo grokhocheniya v skhemakh izmelcheniya volframsoderzhashchikh rud (Technological peculiarities of application of fine screening in tungsten-containing ore grinding systems). Pererabotka kompleksnykh volframovykh, volframo-molibdenovykh rud i produktov obogashcheniya : sbornik nauchnykh trudov (Processing of complex tungsten, tungsten-molybdenium ores and concentration products : collection of scientific proceedings). Leningrad : Mekhanobr, 1988. 49 p. |
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