Журналы →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2015 →  №9 →  Назад

Название New technical solutions for automated selection systems, preparation and delivery of pulpar samples for analysis
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2015.09.03
Автор Topchaev V. P., Fedin G. V., Topchaev A. V., Lapidus M. V.
Информация об авторе

JSC “Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika”, Moscow, Russia:

V. P. Topchaev, Chief Executive Officer
G. V. Fedin, Senior Researcher, e-mail: geofedin@yandex.ru
A. V. Topchaev, Head of Laboratory
M. V. Lapidus, Leading Engineer


Quality of concentrating and metallurgical industries’ feedstock is characterized by high volatility. This leads to unsteadiness of entire processing chain and affects the quality of the products. To reduce the unacceptable end product quality deviation is required continuously monitor the composition of the raw material, intermediate and end products in the production process and generate control actions to reduce the influence of disturbances caused by the variability of the composition of the raw material. The analytical control service work based on the principle of periodic sampling of different (predefined) process points followed by chemical analysis or hardware. New types of equipment for selection, training and sending of representative pulpar samples, as well as administration of these samples and their preparation for analysis in an automatic analytical control system are requested. Samplers to form pulpar increments taken from various production units, SAOP-04, the selection preparation and shipping of samples station, providing fulfillment of trainings conditions for pulpar samples in accordance with the regulations (State Standard, Branch Standart) are considered. Station SAOP-4 is a product of a high degree of prefabrication, designed to work with different types of samplers claiming minimal work on its installation and assembled from standard interchangeable units, resulting in a reduction in the number of spare parts and increases its operational reliability, reducing the amount of design work and maintenance costs in operation. The structure of bleed line and delivery of samples for analysis on the basis of the proposed components of the process equipment is presented.

Ключевые слова Pulpar products, sampler, production method, flotation, analytical control, preparation plant, management, parameter checkout, station, sample
Библиографический список

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