Журналы →  Non-ferrous Metals →  2015 →  №2 →  Назад

Название Flotation properties of additional collectors, foaming agents based on acetylenic alcohols
DOI 10.17580/nfm.2015.02.01
Автор Shchelkunov S. A., Malishev O. A., Yushina T. I., Dunaeva V. N.
Информация об авторе

LLC “Innovative Resource”, Moscow, Russia:

S. A. Shchelkunov, Сhemical Projects Manager
O. A. Malishev, CEO


The National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia:
T. I. Yushina, Acting Head of a Chair of “Enrichment and processing of minerals and industrial raw materials”, e-mail: yuti62@mail.ru
V. N. Dunaeva, Post-Graduate Student of a Chair “Enrichment and processing of minerals and industrial raw materials”


I. O. Krylov, S. G. Pak are involved in the work.


The article describes the properties of flotation reagents of collectors-foaming agents on the basis of acetylenic alcohols DMIPEC (ДМИПЭК) and DC-80 (ДК-80). General formulas and methods for producing flotation reagents are given. At flotation of sulphide ores of non-ferrous metals, DMIPEC reagent exhibits the properties of a selective additional collector having foaming agents properties, characterized by increased activity. There are given the results of investigation these reagents application in the flotation of copper ore Abyz deposit, copper-nickel ores of “Pechenganikel”, Neryungri concentrator plant (CP) coal. Also the results of experiments in the research laboratory “Nurkazgan” on comparing the action of MIBK and DMIPEC foaming agents are presented. As a result of studies it was found that the use of reagents DMIPEC and DC-80 increases the recovery of metals in the concentrate. To identify the reasons for the increase extraction quantum chemical calculations of the mechanism and the interaction forces DMIPEC reagent with sulfides of non-ferrous metals by calculating the energy of stabilization of the complexes formed by the program GAMEES were performed. The DMIPEC advantage over industrial apolar collectors is given. For example, the experiment of the flotation of oxidized coals SS (CC) Neryungri CP. Additional extraction of coal in the concentrate is 3–8%. The process is characterized by a significant increase in the ash content of the tailings. Since 1999 till 2015, the reagents based on acetylenic alcohols DMIPEC and DC-80 had been exposed to extensive laboratory and pilot tests as the selective collectors in the flotation of sulphide ores of non-ferrous and precious metals and coking coal. Thus, for non-ferrous metal ores of flotation reagents DMIPEC and DC-80 behave as a selective additional collectors with foaming properties, and at a rate of 3-35 g/t can reduce the flotation time and improve the copper and nickel extraction to 3.5%, and zinc and lead extraction to 10%. The article also describes the method for producing carbon nanotubes on iron-manganese catalyst. The study phase and mineral composition of the products of catalytic decomposition of synthesis gas manganese black ore distribution of carbon fractions found a significant number of nanostructured carbon phase formed on the surface of the ore particles. The possibility of separating the carbon nanotubes from the catalyst by ferromanganesian nonfrothing flotation using DMIPEC and DC-80 is displayed. Carbon nanotube extraction into foam product, depending on the reagent rate was 85–97%.

This work was carried out within the “Carrying out of scientific-research works (fundamental scientific investigation and experimental development)” No. 816 (task No. 2014/113) for the state works in the sphere of scientific activity within the basic part of the State task.

Ключевые слова Flotation, foaming agent, collector, acetylenic alcohols, non-ferrous metals, copper concentrate, nickel concentrate, coking coal, carbon nanotubes
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