Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2010 →  №3 →  Назад

Название Ecological monitoring of sea oil extracting at deposit «Kravtsovskje” (D-6)
Автор Sivkov V. V., Dorokhov D. V., Bulychyova Е. V., Pichuzhkina O. E., Alekseeva V. V.

The effective system of ecological monitoring in areas of the Baltic Sea, based on use of modern methods and the equipment, providing high level of ecological safety, rational use of natural resources and minimization of the environmental damage is presented on an example of designing and development of sea oil extracting at deposit Kravtsovskoe.

Ключевые слова Sea oil extracting, ice-resistant platform, ecological monitoring, sea environment, biota, pollution criterions, background response characteristic, radiolocation, ground stations, human intervention
Language of full-text русский
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