Название |
Assessment of risks influencing innovation activity of industrial enterprises (on example of diamond-brilliant complex) |
10.17580/em.2016.02.02 |
Автор |
Nikolaev M. V., Grigorieva E. E., Gulyaev P. V. |
Информация об авторе |
Institute of Regional Economy of the North at the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University:
Nikolaev M. V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Director Grigorieva E. E., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher, Gulyaev P. V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professors, Chief Researcher |
Реферат |
Effective integration of different components of innovation system ensuring growth of innovative potential of industry depends, among others, on quality of innovation infrastructure and diversity of relations "serving" innovation processes. From the point of view of theory of state regulation of economy any infrastructure cannot be developed without active government intervention. Thus, there arises a problem of state regulation of development of innovative infrastructure in a diamond processing industry. Currently, JSC "ALROSA" (PJSC) implements a long-term multicomponent program of innovation development aimed at modernization of technologies of geological exploration, mining, concentration and processing of rough diamonds, production and sales of finished products, and so on. For a long time the company does not reduce a number of workers employed in R&D and Research and Advanced Development, protection documents of results of intellectual work are annually registered. Apart from direct "real" investments in scientific and research projects the company finances at the expense of its own funds venture programs, programs of grant support of scientific studies, educational programs, cofinances construction of objects of innovation infrastructure, objects of educational system on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and so forth. This article considers potential risks of implementation of programs of innovation development of enterprises of diamond-brilliant complex of Russia against a background of system changes of main tendencies of development of global diamond-brilliant market. There are proposed measures for minimization of risks of implementation of programs of innovation development of industrial enterprises. It is determined necessity to provide stimulation and government support for the industry for its lead on a globally competitive level by a continuous increase of technological level of industries. Mechanisms of support from a state budget, state corporations and institutions of innovation development are offered. |
Ключевые слова |
Innovative development, risks, diamond-brilliant complex, state regulation, funding |
Библиографический список |
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Полный текст статьи |
Assessment of risks influencing innovation activity of industrial enterprises (on example of diamond-brilliant complex) |