Название |
Height of induced water-transmitting fracture zone in slice mining of potash seam III at the Starobin deposit |
Информация об авторе |
Belgorkhimprom, Soligorsk, Belarus:
V. V. Klimovich, Head of Laboratory, vklimovish@bmci.by N. N. Maletskiy, Chief Mine Surveyor, Mine Management |
Реферат |
A serious problem in underground extraction of salt rocks is constituted by inflow (inrush) of groundwater in mines when overlying rock mass loses its impermeability under impact of mining. For this reason, the study of initiation and growth of induced water-transmitting fractures in undermined rock mass is of immediate practical relevance. This article presents in-situ geomechanical research data obtained in an underground salt mine of Belaruskali. The research was implemented in 2008–2016 by the experts of Belgorkhimprom together with the personnel of the salt mine. In that period, a rock salt seam was mined in two stages by open stoping method, and, thus, overlying rock mass underwent double-stage undermining. The subject of the research was the fracturing behavior of rock mass under impact of mining operations. The research procedure included downward drilling from the above-lying production horizon to the mined-out stope of the lower lying horizon and measurement of the height of the zone of induced water-transmitting fractures between the horizons. The research provided useful information for amending the calculation procedure of rock mass stability and impermeability during mining at the Starobin potash salt deposit. |
Библиографический список |
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