Название |
Stress–strain analysis in coal and rock mass under traditional mining with full caving and in technology with backfilling |
Информация об авторе |
National University of Science and Technology — MISIS, Moscow, Russia:
Kolikov K. S., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Head of Chair Mazina I. E., Leading Engineer of Chair
1National University of Science and Technology — MISIS, Moscow, Russia ; 2Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia:
Manevich A. I., Post-Graduate Student1, Researcher of Geodynamics Laboratory2, ai.manevich@yandex.ru |
Реферат |
Underground mining of coal deposits has a significant impact on the host geology. Wednesday. In many respects, the zone of influence of underground developments on the geo-environment is determined by the technology of managing the roof of the coal seam. At the moment, on the absolute majority of coal mines, the technology of roof management is completely collapsed. However, the use of roof collapse technology leads to a significant change in the stress state of the coal-bearing massif. In this article, using the methods of mathematical modeling, an evaluation of the stress state of a coal-bearing massif was carried out using the technology of roof management complete collapse and laying of the worked out space. The stress state comparison was realized by the finite element method, in accordance with the classical methods of the theory of elasticity used in geomechanics. The calculation model is a section along the minefield. The object of analysis is the area of interaction of the worked out space with an array of rocks by the subterranean underground mining of coal. It was found out that for the spent cleaning lavas filled with collapsed rocks, in the geological environment of the unloading zone in the work-in and work-out massif, as well as the reference pressure zones falling on the parts of the pillars, is much larger than when laying the worked-out space. |
Библиографический список |
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