Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2023 →  №6 →  Назад

Название Environmental effects of oil sludge
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.06.13
Автор Yakutseni S. P., Fedash A. V., Borisov I. V., Trinh Quoc Vinh
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Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia:

S. P. Yakutseni, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Science, spyakutseni@gmail.com
A. V. Fedash, Head of Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Trinh Quóc Vinh, Post-Graduate Student


BION JSC, Moscow, Russia
I. V. Borisov, CEO


In Russia, the loss of oil at different production stages reaches 3.5 %, and the annual mass of oil sludge produced is tens of thousands of tons. In the regions of high-rate oil recovery and processing, contamination of soil exceeds 10 %. This being the case, natural selfpurification is inhibited, and detoxication of waste is impossible without special activities. This article scrutinizes the problems connected with the environmental damage from oil sludge of hydrocarbon production and processing. Formation of oil sludge as a complex multi-component system is examined per stages of hydrocarbon field development. The estimate of the environmental effects of oil products takes into account the presence of the potentially toxic oil derivatives. It is found that the hydrocarbon conversion products acquire properties of open compounds which tend to close their ‘free’ cycle and to enter the biosphere and geological environment while being hazardous and toxic for biota. The authors study the processes of degradation of fresh and mineral ground water in the area of Samotlor Oil Field as a result of impact exerted by mining activities on the soil layer and other constituents of natural fertile and recreational landscape. It is found that sludge detoxication during storage is a long process, and the composition of sludge stored in collectors for a few years changes greatly. Furthermore, sludge formed in oil product reservoirs differs from sludge from treating facilities. The authors draw a conclusion that oil sludge after storage for different time periods and in different conditions needs different methods of disposal. The article describes the studies into possible methods of disposal of waste in hydrocarbon production and processing via practical use of oil waste in bioremediation, with tricantation of oil sludge, which enables recycling of up to 40 % of oil fraction.

Ключевые слова Environmental pollution, oil, oil sludge, hypergenesis zone, oil products, soil, oil refinery
Библиографический список

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