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ArticleName Advanced digital technologies in mining engineering at E. P. Slavsky PIMCU
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.07.13
ArticleAuthor Bakhareva L. I., Seredina M. N., Nagovitsyn O. V.

E. P. Slavsky PIMCU, Krasnokamensk, Russia:

L. I. Bakhareva, Head of Mining Operations Management at Central Research Laboratory
M. N. Seredina, Head of Geoinformation Systems and Technologies Department at Central Research Laboratory


Mining Institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia:
O. V. Nagovitsyn, Deputy Director of Science, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,


The article describes the processes, problems and solutions that accompany introduction of mining and geology information system MINEFRAME at mines of PIMCU. The stage-wise introduction began in 2006 and involved a number of underground uranium mines and an open pit coal mine. The preconditions for introduction of digital technologies were the necessity of mining efficiency enhancement in difficult geological conditions, the rockburst hazard, and the expensiveness and complexity of a mining technology with top-downward cut-and-fill. The selected digital tool MINEFRAME possesses a mature functional for geological modeling, surveying and mining engineering. This domestic software product solves the problem connected with import substitution in the critical sector of industry—solid mineral mining. While introducing the mining and geology information system, a digital model of the mine field is constructed and updated in real time, including ore bodies, tectonic faults, the set of underground openings, backfill, surface infrastructure facilities, open pit and dumps. A modeling framework is being prepared for planning mining operations and for designing objects of underground and open pit mining. The specially developed procedure rules of interaction between engineering services provide operation of several dozen specialists in a single digital space. The engineering services perform formation, upkeep and updating of data bases, detailed design of heading and stoping operations using frame and block models of geological objects, as well as control of mining efficiency in conformity with the approved projects.

keywords PIMCU, mining and geology information system, mine, modeling, digitalization, automation, surveying, geology

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