Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2023 →  №8 →  Назад

Название Geomechanical supervision of undermined area subsidence monitoring with satellite radars
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.08.06
Автор Baryakh A. A., Devyatkov S. Yu., Denkevich E. T., Mikhailov V. O., Timoshkina E. P.
Информация об авторе

Mining Institute, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia:

A. A. Baryakh, Research Manage, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, bar@mi-perm.ru
S. Yu. Devyatkov, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Belaruskali JSC, Soligorsk, Belarus:

E. T. Denkevich, Chief Surveyor

Shmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia:

V. O. Mikhailov, Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
E. P. Timoshkina, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences


The experience of radar interferometric control of the earth surface movement during longwall mining of sylvinite layers at Starobin potash deposit is considered. It is demonstrated that the subsidence readings using shots from Sentinel 1 satellite are stable during spring and autumn periods when snow or vegetation cover is absent. The research was conducted simultaneously with geomechanical modeling which was aimed at restoration of “missed” periods of radar survey. The comparison between mathematical modeling results and radar interferometer data demonstrated satisfying conformity either for individual time slot or for the whole period of surveillance. A small discrepancy at short time intervals between subsidence curve according to modeling results and radar interferometer data was levelled down in long surveillance periods. The possibility of the earth surface subsidence prediction and “restoration” at time intervals, during which the satellite survey estimation of subsidence are absent due to season causes, is illustrated. The existence of radar interferometric survey allows geomechanical model calibration with subsequent estimation and prediction of expected earth surface subsidence for the periods of satellite measurements absence. Based on the new radar interferometric information, the verification of geomechanical supervision data and, if needed, the adjustment of mathematical model of the undermined rock mass stress–strain state is fulfilled. The geomechanical modeling results together with the data of systematic radar area surveillance are used for the analysis and prediction of genesis of the earth surface movement process during extraction of sylvinyte layers by longwall mining.
The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Grant No. 19-77-30008. The authors express their gratitude to the European Space Agency for the provided satellite images.

Ключевые слова Satellite radar interferometry, earth surface subsidence, surveillance, geomechanical modeling, Starobin potash deposit, longwall mining
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