Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2023 →  №8 →  Назад

Название Tectonics and geodynamics of structure formation in the Ulytau–Arganaty zone
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.08.09
Автор Dosetova G. Zh., Kryazheva T. V., Icheva Yu. B., Sadchikov A. V.
Информация об авторе

Zhezkazgan Baikonurov University, Zhezkazgan, Republic of Kazakhstan:

G. Zh. Dosetova, Doctoral Student
A. V. Sadchikov, Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan:

T. V. Kryazheva, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, kryazheva_t@mail.ru
Yu. B. Icheva, Academic Vice-Principal, Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


The research aims to study the geodynamics of structure formation in the Ulytau sialic rock mass. Faults are characterized by the time of their formation, types of activity and morphokinematics. The main features of geotectonic blocks in the structure of the Ulytau–Arganaty zone are described. The relevance and scientific novelty of the research is defined by the need to highlight new data on the formation conditions and development stages of the Ulytau sialic rock mass, the territory of which has a great potential. The studies carried out by the authors show that the Precambrian blocks composed of metamorphosed rocks of various genesis are dominated by the Proterozoic formations with the subordinate Archean formations. The area under study is one of the major outcrops of the Precambrian median rocks at the western border of Central Kazakhstan. The clusters of the volcanoplutonic belts represent continental volcanogenic and volcanogenic-sedimentary strata of a complex folded structure characterized by large isoclinal folds with inclinations of seams on the flanks at the angles more than 30-40°. These clusters feature the stratigraphically and angularly inconsistent occurrence on the underlying Archean–Early Proterozoic and Precambrian formations. The modern structure of the Ulytau–Arganaty zone formed as a result of deformation of the Middle-to-Late Proterozoic volcanoplutonic belts and younger tectonic blocks, and owing to the displacement of their segments along the major faults. The Precambrian and Lower Paleozoic formations, in addition to the Middle-to-Late Paleozoic deformations associated with the formation of the Ulytau sialic rock mass, were subjected to the intense Early Paleozoic dislocations, including the most influential mass overthrusts, large faults and isoclinal horizontal folds.

Ключевые слова Tectonics, tectonic structure, structure, structural complexes, formations, structure formation zone, faults, faulting zones
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