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Название Ancient ore mining in the Pre-Glint Lowland and Izhora Highland (North-West Russia) from historical-geographical evidence
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.09.14
Автор Tsinkoburova M. G.
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Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:

M. G. Tsinkoburova, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, maschek@mail.ru


The analysis of historical and geographical materials made by the author (Novgorod and Swedish scribal books, published official documents of XVIII century, geological periodicals of the beginning of XIX century) made it possible to clarify the places of iron ore mining in the northwestern periphery of the Novgorod lands (Late Novgorod —Early Moscow time, the end of XV–early XVI century). At that time, there was mining of Holocene swamp-soil iron ores of lowland marshes in the Pre-Glint Lowland, the main mining area was located to the west of Koporye. Indications of the vicinity of Tikhvin as one of the main regions of iron ore mining in the north of Russia were corrected. Mining in this area began only in XVII century, when the Russians lost the right to the coast of the Gulf of Finland. It was also found out that during the Swedish rule over the territory of modern St. Petersburg and its environs (the time of Swedish Ingermanland, 1617–1703), the Swedes made attempts to search and develop local ore manifestations in the Ordovician rocks of the Izhora Upland, which the Swedes took for deposits of copper ores. The area of the Swedish mines was localized in the vicinity of the Duderhof Heights. The evidence of Swedish mines on the territory of Ingermanland is an indirect indication of the Swedes’ attempts at intensive, rather than extensive, development of newly acquired lands. In the era of Peter I and, then, Paul I, attempts were also made to search for ore deposits on the Izhora Upland in the Swedish footsteps. Active geological searches on the Izhora upland in XVIII–early XIX century contributed to a preliminary acquaintance with the features of the geological structure of the region.

Ключевые слова Iron mining trades, copper mining trades, medieval mining trades, analysis of scribal books, toponymic evidence, Ingermanland, Vodskaya pyatina
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Полный текст статьи Ancient ore mining in the Pre-Glint Lowland and Izhora Highland (North-West Russia) from historical-geographical evidence