Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2023 →  №10 →  Назад

Ecology and Recycling
Название Analysis of dynamics of black carbon emissions in the territory adjacent to the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works
DOI 10.17580/chm.2023.10.15
Автор O. V. Maksimova, V. A. Filichkina, Yu. V. Somova
Информация об авторе

National University of Science and Technology "MISiS", Moscow, Russia1 ; Yu. A. Israel Institute of Global Climate and Ecology, Moscow, Russia2

O. V. Maksimova, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof.1, Leading Researcher2, e-mail: o-maximova@yandex.ru


National University of Science and Technology "MISiS", Moscow, Russia
V. A. Filichkina, Cand. Chem., Associate Prof., Head of the Dept. of Certification and Analytical Control, e-mail: Filichkina.va@misis.ru


Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia
Yu. V. Somova, Cand. Eng., Aassociate Prof., Dept. of Industrial Ecology and Life Safety


The dynamics of black carbon emissions in the territory adjacent to the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works from 1930 to the present is analyzed. The annual emissions, estimated for the first time using the data of the "A Community Emissions Data System" of international experts, are verified with the main stages of MMK development. As a result, five significant periods of changes in the dynamics of black carbon emissions in the territory were identified: 1) 1930-1940. corresponds to an average increase in emissions of 10 % per year; the period was marked by the completion of the construction and commissioning of four open-hearth furnaces with an increase in capacity; 2) 1940–1950 associated with a slight decrease in the dynamics of reducing emissions, associated with the difficulties of developing production in the war and post-war period; 3) 1950–1977 corresponds to a stable growth of emissions by an average of 8.5 % per year; this period is characterized by the successive commissioning of 4 open-hearth and 5 blast furnaces at the plant; 4) 1977–2002 marked by instability in the dynamics of emissions; period of the 90ies. marked by the highest jump in black carbon emissions and is associated with an increase in capacity at the plant to record levels; for a decade; 5) 2000-2010, the volume of black carbon emissions is roughly equal to the level of 1950-1960, when production volumes were much lower; the period 2000-2023 can be characterized by envisaged stabilization of emissions. The trend revealed as a result of the study to reduce and further stabilize emissions in recent decades confirms the effectiveness of the strategic direction of the environmental protection activities of the plant to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. To improve the reliability and accuracy of determining the level of man-caused impact on the environment, the plant introduced local systems into the process equipment.

The study was carried out within the framework of the scientific theme of Roshydromet (FGBU IGKE) AAAA-A20-120021090098-8 “Development of methods and technologies for computational monitoring of anthropogenic emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases and short-lived climate-active substances by absorbers.”

Ключевые слова Black carbon, aerosol particles, pollutant emissions, monitoring, verification, climate, environment
Библиографический список

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Language of full-text русский
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