Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2023 →  №10 →  Назад

Название Reconstruction project for thickening and circulating water supply system at Lebedinsky GOK JSC
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.10.09
Автор Golovanov A. V., Ropeiko S. A., Ismagilov R. I., Golenkov D. N.
Информация об авторе

RIVS Group, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

A. V. Golovanov, Deputy Director of Design Works Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, golovanov_a@list.ru
S. A. Ropeiko, Technical Director


METALLOINVEST Management Company LLC, Moscow, Russia
R. I. Ismagilov, Director of Technical Development
D. N. Golenkov, Head of Processing Technology Development


The project documentation was developed for the reconstruction of the thickening and circulating water supply system of Lebedinsky GOK JSC. The project provides reconstruction of the thickening and circulating water supply unit at the tailings facilities of the local concentrating plant, with a view to increasing the solid content of the tailings pulp after thickening from 23 to 50–60 % and to ensuring process (circulating) water supply to the technological process. The design decisions took into account the main provisions of the development concept of Lebedinsky GOK, as well as the results and inferences obtained in elaboration of the production procedures for processing iron ore raw materials. The design solutions were developed with regard to the optimal economic indicators of introduction of the thickening technology and included the following main objects: 8 thickeners Ø50 m; 8 thickeners Ø100 m; flocculant preparation housing; circulating water pumping station No. 3.
The project and engineering survey results were approved by the State Environmental Expertise and by the Governmental Expertise of the Russian Federation.

Ключевые слова Lebedinsky GOK, tailings thickening technology, design and working documentation, iron ore raw materials, tailings storage, circulating water supply
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