Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2023 →  №11 →  Назад

Название Regional prediction of hazardous zones of gas-dynamic phenomena in mine field of Talitsa GOK
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.11.14
Автор Ivanov O. V., Nesterova S. Yu., Lyadov V. O., Lukyanets E. V.
Информация об авторе

Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia

O. V. Ivanov, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, miner200@mail.ru
S. Yu. Nesterova, Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor
V. O. Lyadov, Engineer
E. V. Lukyanets, Engineer


At the present time, in order to increase resource base of potash salts, new areas of the Upper Kama field are being involved in development. At the stage of geological exploration of a new mine at Talitsa GOK, it is necessary to evolve the method for regional prediction of hazardous zones of gas-dynamic phenomena (GDP). The current level of software and hardware development makes it possible in the shortest time to build reliable geostatistical models of geological parameters for potash mine fields based on spatially oriented databases, as well as to carry out multivariate calculations of mathematical models using various statistical procedures. The gathered experience of mathematical modeling in the field of forecasting gas-dynamic phenomena, as well the mature software and hardware allow building prediction models of hazardous zones of gas-dynamic phenomena with high adequacy to the real-life geological conditions of a potash mine. For more than 20 years, the Mining Institute UB RAS has been investigating geological and mining conditions of GDP and develops prediction procedures for hazardous zones of gasdynamic phenomena in potash mine fields at the Upper Kama potash salt deposit. During this time, a huge amount of the mine experimental results on gas-dynamic hazard of potash rock mass has been accumulated. The application of the research findings on gas content of rock mass and gas emission during geological exploration and underground mining, the comparative analysis of geological and mining conditions of gas-dynamic phenomena in mines, the analysis of the data on the geology of the new mine field at Talitsa GOK, as well as the practical experience of potash mining under hazard of gas-dynamic phenomena at the Upper Kama potash salt deposit enabled developing the method for regional prediction of hazardous zones of gas-dynamic phenomena for the Talitsa GOK’s mine.
The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Project No. 20-45-596017r_NOC_Permskii krai.

Ключевые слова Upper Kama potash salt deposit, Talitsa GOK, gas-dynamic phenomena, regional prediction, silvinite strata, decision rules, component content, wells, trench samples, disjunctive geological faults, prediction maps
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