Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2023 →  №12 →  Назад

Название Application of multi-component collectors and selection of temperature modes for frother separation of diamond-bearing kimberlites
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.12.12
Автор Kovalenko E. G., Babushkina A. L., Chut-Dy V. A.
Информация об авторе

Yakutniproalmaz Institute, Mirny, Russia

E. G. Kovalenko, Chief Engineer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, kovalenkoeg@gmail.ru
A. L. Babushkina, Head of Sector
V. A. Chut-Dy, Leading Production Engineer


The variations in the phase composition of a collector manufactured by mixing black oil fuel with medium- and low-molecular oil products and light oil are found. It is shown that formation of fine disperse and colloid solutions of high-molecular components improves adhesive activity and collectability of collectors based on black oil fuel F-5 in flotation of diamonds. It is determined that the increase in the temperature has a beneficial effect on transition of asphaltene–tarry fraction to a colloid and true solution in the medium- and low-molecular fractions. For enhancing collectability of collectors in froth separation of diamonds, it is proposed to compound black oil fuel F-5 with diesel fuel composed of low- and medium-molecular fractions of oil products, and with low oil with high total mass of such fractions. It is shown that the use of the compound collectors with black oil fuel F-5 ensures increased recovery of diamonds by 2.5–5 % at high selectivity of the process. The temperature intervals which enable maximal diamond recovery are determined for the operation of conditioning of diamond-bearing kimberlites with flotation agents and for the flotation itself. The optimized temperature mode selected for the frother separation of fine diamonds includes conditioning with flotation agents at 30–38 °C and frother separation at 14–24 °C. The selected mode is implemented owing to heat accumulated during thermal treatment of the frother separation feedstock.

Ключевые слова Diamonds, kimberlites, collector, fractional composition, conditioning, thermal treatment, adhesion, flotation, frother separation
Библиографический список

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